
Touhy and Lincoln... Is that West Ridge? That’s gotta be on the border of Lincolnwood/Skokie and Chicago, right?

Aldi is my closest chain grocery store. My husband and I usually walk there with our grandma cart and stock up on stuff. There is a Jewel that is also w/in walking distance, and a Mariano’s a bus ride away that I like to go to because it’s by my gym, but you can’t knock the Aldi. Even when you aren’t on a budget, the

True, but even at a “normal” grocery store like Mariano’s or the Jewels, a whole chicken is still good value for your dollar. Much cheaper per lb than boneless, skinless breasts.

Yaaaaas. I’m further west, closer to Pulaski but definitely repping Albany Park. Usually I hit the Mayfair Market, or Chicago Produce as a quick stop from the brown line.

Ouch. Just.. ouch. Come to Chicago. I’ll make you a pie.

Can’t wait since I have so few games for my PS4.

Chicago, but in a very ethnically diverse neighborhood! :)

And they have all the hard to find tortilla sizes too! In the summer I usually buy regular limes to make a key lime pie (I’m sure there are key lime snobs out there but my husband just likes pie) and they are just super cheap then. You can usually get a good deal on plum tomatoes as well. I guess that is a bonus of

I really want to know what else comes in a hot dog bun other than a hot dog. And don’t tell me a Maxwell Street Polish because those come in bigger Polish sized buns. I’ve decided to have a hot dog for lunch because of this post. (But not in the Chicago style. I may be the only Chicagoan who does not like a Chicago

I can get 10 limes for a dollar in my local Mexican market here in the Chi! is Gwennie a vegetarian? I would have gotten a whole chicken or two for my snap money. You can get a 5 lb chicken for $0.99/lb at Aldi. You can feed a family decently and have some leftovers.

LB is still working on the old model of trying to be the all encompassing plus sized store. but I don’ think it works. Younger trendier people shop Torrid, retro girls go to Mod Cloth, women who want a dressier look do Eloquii. Preppy women shop Lands’ End or Talbot’s, and your basics jeans and t-shirt girl does Old

This is one of those stereotypical fat girl dresses that hides the fact that we have any shape at all.

I love my cat. She is a delightful, furry little a-hole though! She likes to barf immediately after eating, strictly for the lolz. At least now she tries to do it on the wood floor and not my couch.

Prince totally floats.

I use Soft Scrub (or the Dollar Tree brand) too! Really kills the orange growth. The thing about my bathroom is that my tile is kind of a peachy color so it’s subtle until I step back and realize that something is growing and possibly become sentient!

Wat? The grout in my bathroom shower is a sanded grout and if I do not scrub it regularly it gets this orange scummy mold on it. The stuff on the floor and not in the shower stall does not have this issue though. My grout gets cleaned much more frequently than once a year!

I worked with a woman whose last name was Bond, and her dad was a James Bond! She was not Jane though.

These people in these stories... they make me hate humanity.

This.. this made me laugh way more than I should have. I’m on the short bus to hell now.

I don’t think goldenrae was referring to you specifically as needing higher level thinking skills, rather in the society in general sense, especially when it comes to republican senators being assclowns about what you can and cant buy with your SNAP card. I could be wrong, but that was how I read the post.