I can't wait for them to make a House of Cards game with this Nemesis system.
I can't wait for them to make a House of Cards game with this Nemesis system.
These kittens must be male, because you know, including female kittens would have caused the production of this video to be way over budget.
Hey! He's a Cardinal.
You're thinking of libertarians..
Wait. No. CAKE.
Im in the same... boat...
Great review, but I'm confused as to why you'd use a stock image of the Ferguson Police Department for it.
This is great Bobby. Now would you please give Tim Sherwood a call and read this post to him over the phone really, really slowly?
The team of Judge Dredds was amazing!
I liked the old school, Adam West Batman best.
That Adam West Batman though!
The advice Jennifer Lawrence gave off-the-record:
As often happens with Lindy's posts, I agree with a lot of what has been said here. It's thought provoking and well stated.
Maybe we should just stop hero worshiping celebs? And running articles like 'you BFF' or 'your boyfriend'. Treating celebs like this is harmful. If we keep showing someone like Jennifer Lawrence (a thin young white woman not exactly a far cry from hollywood's standards) as the 'different' 'everywoman' 'relatable' girl…
That's true for a great number of people all around the world. The Japanese never even put out a simple excuse for their massacres in China (and other places) in WWII. Which is one major reason why they are still loathed in many asian countries around them; people did not forget. In comparison, the Germans did a whole…
Being from Germany I can assure you its anything else then that.
It is an unfortunate title for a post about a White guy being attracted to a Black woman.
Not really loving the title "Lupita Fever".
Okay, people. Let's do this by example.