
I really liked Batman Begins having recently read Year One and a load of other batman books. Watched it loads of times - I though they nailed the darkness of the comics where the previous films were too camp. Ledger stands out in number 2 but the third was terribly disappointing. But the first one just blew me away.

I love the first two thirds of The Dark Knight. When we get to the ferry sequence it is YET ANOTHER Joker scheme to test the citizens of Gotham and the whole thing feels like it’s dragging on.

I know people have a lot of love for the Nolan Batman films, but in my opinion they’re some of the worst. The Dark knight is a good film, but it’s mostly due to Heath Ledger’s performance. The rest of the film is clunky, ugly, poorly edited and poorly shot. The same goes for Nolan’s other two Batman films - they go

Necro because the article was reposted today, but sincerely:

A few months ago, there was a really strong and strange (to me) critique of the movie Hot Girls Wanted for shining a light on an aspect of the porn industry that is very woman un-friendly. The article read to me like it was accusing the documentary producers of taking a hardline, anti-porn stand, which I don’t think

“The commenters outside looked from feminist to troll, and from troll to feminist, and from feminist to troll again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

Both Anne Reid and Frances de la Tour are such good actors. de la Tour is probably best known as Madame Maxime in the Harry Potter films, but she’s a great comic actress (they both are). de la Tour was particularly great in The History Boys and in this very silly BBC3 thing called Big School, which is very immature

What bothers me most about stories like this is the unquestioned arrogance—the idea that a German film, in German, for a German audience, dealing with German history and culture, should be easily and quickly comprehensible and approved by American audiences. It actually reminds me of a KFC commercial from South Africa

Seriously though, this whole article is so badly misinformed that I don’t even know where to start, from the wrongly translated quote to the wrongly summarised intentions of this satirical movie right down to using a video clip with completely false subtitles, this whole thing is truly maddening. Now I know how Asian

This. People don’t realise how thoroughly and completely Germany has dealt with its past. If most countries did even half of what they have done, the world would be better off. But hey, who cares about facts, as usual, it’s just Jezebel is trying to manufacture unjustified outrage over comedy.

Have you been to Germany? That’s about all they do. There’s an enormous amount of discussion of the past and their unfettered guilt for it. And how to reconcile it with the present. You literally can’t walk 10 minutes in Berlin without physically encountering it. Just because we only see a couple glimpses of it here

This looks awesome. Germany has owned this terrible history and taught it in their schools to make sure it never happens again. Germany has done a better job than most countries, really. America hasn’t taught and owned the terrible history of slavery and native genocide with the completeness that Germany has.

These posts wherein American writers are befuddled by the humor of other countries are kind of embarrassing. Atonement for the Holocaust is practically culturally enshrined in Germany at this point, as far as I know (please chime in to correct me, German friends). This is absurdist and not making light of the

What I’m hearing is “People vote according to the one thing that primarily affects their life or belief system, but not me, I’m liking a candidate based on her ability to successfully portray herself as having stances on a wide variety of issues that directly contradict her voting record even though there’s another

I thought AC was Totilo’s beat? I had gotten used to the way he described the consistent disappointment of each successive game while waxing poetic about why he couldn’t quit the series. It seems ... staggeringly unfair that he didn’t do the write up for the first game which apparently doesn’t suck almighty balls in

Sometimes I do (actually, you’ll see one for Undertale soon), but it’s tough to do that while also accounting for the sheer volume of interesting games being released on Steam. I try to strike a balance by doing focused impressions pieces, highlighting games I dig after a play session or two. Even then, though, a lot

How do you justify cutting spending on education or food programs that make sure children get the foundation they need to succeed? And how do ensure that people can feed themselves when jobs can pay well below the poverty line even for someone who works full time? And how do you make sure people have access to clean

You’re welcome. As to the content of your post, these are really a separate breed of GOP compared to their small government cousins. Notice the name of the session