I hope he's with his family. Like someone in the previous article mentioned, your early 20s are when most people who have schizophrenia first begin to show symptoms. If he's ill, I hope he's getting help. Mental illness is no laughing matter.
Man suffers apparent psychotic break, disappears, panicked concern ensues.
He sounds schizophrenic. His friends and family probably should be worried.
They should have gone back to Bucco Bruce and the creamsicle uniforms.
In the end, Martin felt his only option was to walk away from a realm so unfamiliar and hostile.
That's more a result of class; people getting married between classes is as unusual as interracial marriages. If minorities tend to be working class, then they'll inevitably end up marrying the white-working-class more than the white middle class.
Now you get more middle class minorities, the number of interracial…
If this order of events is accurate, then it seems that the bigoted fulcrum of the reporting system is Peter King himself. Only that would explain why he felt compelled to turn "what do you think about a gay player coming into the league?" into "I promise I won't stick your name on it- because I'm sure your answers…
I know this is a troll piece (isn't all of Gawker these days?) but: a young British person was killed. It's not nationalism to think that is a shame and a waste.
Do to a horrific scheduling snafu, biathalon was scheduled at the same time as the Skiathlon. We will release the names after the families have been notified.
"There's a person that comes on to kick the ball, and doesn't do anything else, and yet gets paid millions of dollars."
Can we be clear about the Love Actually scene? Dude's been hiding his feeling for his friend's wife, she stumbles on it accidentally, he tries to make a clean break with an odd gesture, she kisses him, he walks away from it saying "enough now" and it's over. He did not kiss her. I feel like lately folks have been…
This is a friend of mine's roommate. Let me just say - classic freshman sorority girl who is as nice as can be.
Anyone else notice #22 on Getafe just up and sit down at the beginning? He knows shit's about to get real and wants to fully take it in.
Yes and, to bust another myth, what you're saying applies to guys too. I've felt an incredible increase in attraction to women after getting to know them, or even after a single encounter where a woman makes me laugh and I find out how funny they are.
Here's a better video: How it goes wrong...
Oh, Onion. You do such good things. Why did you have to turn The AV Club into an ugly, cluttered, and wildly disorganized flaming pile of shit?