
I only go out with women who were born while crossing the international date line. That initial conversation trying to determine their official birthplace is really difficult. They think its because I'm trying to determine their ethnicity. I tell them, "Baby it ain't the color of your skin that matters, its the

Story time.

This one also seems really easy to break, too. You just need access to a nude beach and a lot of facebook friends.

Anyone else bothered by the fact that Asian women respond to Asian men the LEAST? At least when you discriminate against an outsider group, it can be chalked up to ignorance. But when you discriminate against your OWN group, what excuse is there?

No one ever says, "I want a girl who will reign me in a little bit, because I am TOO AWESOME. Really, all my giving and philanthropy and volunteering makes me feel too connected to the world around me." It's always, "Man, I suck. I need someone to force me off my ass and make me the person I've always wanted to be."

It's a humblebrag.

Groups can actually pay to have their silly record authorized and added to the list. I believe they go in different categories than the ones Guinness actually cares about though (e.g. tallest/shortest person).

Wow, Jezebel, stay classy.

Shitting on ordinary guys who are immature/unrealistic/unreasonable seems like a waste of pixels and a national media presence, but you do you Jezebel, I guess.

If those are actually the only specifications they're mentioning, I think your extrapolation and resentment says more about you than about them.

Mocking lonely people. A new low.

Dearest sir (although in my dreams I call you Nathaniel-Xavier),

Honestly it sounds like this is approaching (or already past) mental illness. Elaborate fantasies....apparent difficulty coping with reality, etc.

"I don't want a hipster gf, I just want (lists a bunch of hipster bullshit)"

I'm assuming art is their life. Definitely could be interpreted as he hates art, but with everything else he said I think he's probably into art.

Thanks for not posting my Craigslist missed connection about my dream woman who loves Doritos and Albert Camus and also thinks Kurt Russell peaked in the 80s.

This is some navel-gazey fluff for sure, but it's hardly misogynist or otherwise worthy of contempt. Why is this special? Why the need to pull it from the classifieds, hold it up, and mock it? Kinda cruel, yo. Don't we all have little idealized snapshots of the perfect relationship hiding in our brains?

Here, I'll go

If you hadn't told me what the source of this is, I would have guessed "the TV Tropes' description of a Manic Pixie Dream Girl."

Unsurprised to see Cincinnati on the list. Shit is ROUGH in that piece. Also if you move there having not lived there your entire life, GOOD LUCK MAKING FRIENDS with people who have lived there all their lives. Its provincial as fuck.

Now playing

I'm in support of any legislation that combats the fuckers at Big Tobacco and lessens the potential for me and my kids being exposed to shitty second hand smoke. When I was 16 and started smoking, I knew plenty of 18 year olds willing to buy me cigarettes, but few 21 year olds. Those three years can make a