To be fair, if I had her bosoms I wouldn't wear a too, either.
To be fair, if I had her bosoms I wouldn't wear a too, either.
That's interesting. The black population accounts for more than 110% of the total student body.
I'm going to be the asshole that points out that you don't have to choose between cheese and being the size you want to be. It's not an either/or situation.
Did they account for age? Obviously anecdotal, but I know tons of skinny, unhappy twentysomethings with happier, heavier middle-aged mothers. A lot of women gain both weight and self-acceptance as they age.
I don't care how fast or slow you're going, romantic couples, just STOP pretending you're the only ones on the damned sidewalk! If it's a narrow space, don't just stroll along like it's everyone else's responsibility to get out of your way—accommodate to other travelers, you sappy jackasses.
All the Kardashians.
I think some of this is about creating power and mitigating vulnerability, too.
The days where men weren't expected to be evaluated on looks have already started to end. Guys get away with shit because they're attractive just as women do. As women are now self-sufficient earners, men also can't just play the "I'm rich, I'm funny, I'm interesting" card in the same way.
First, I think you're underestimating the importance of physical appearance for guys. It may be less important from a career perspective, but numerous threads on these boards will attest to the importance of looks when it comes to attracting a sexual partner/mate.
Wait.... if that's what black women look like when they get ready to be on SNL does..... does.... does that mean I'm actually a black woman who just got ready for SNL...????
I wholly disagree with the sentence/sentiment that our current conception of masculinity is diametrically opposed to being fetishized by straight women and loudly so. Ever watch Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Channing Tatum, Idris Elba, etc. being interviewed on a talk show? The screams and cat-calls from women are deafening…
She might have kicked you in the back of the head for talking during a movie like a fucking jackass. God knows I've wanted to do the same to others.
If we're talking about South Asians (Indians, Pakistanis, etc) I would say they're actually well represented, if not over represented. I think people of South Asian descent make up only about 1% of the US population, but I can think of several prominent South Asian media personalities; Aziz Ansari, Dr. Gupta, Mindy…
"Lady commenters" are very supportive when support is warranted.
Color all of us impressed that you've only been broken up with once, and have never had issues attracting men or even, sometimes, women! This article reads a bit too Hamlet for my taste. I'm sorry that someone agreed to publish your ego-stroke soliloquy; I have a hunch you may regret this. Even Hamlet was somewhat…
Blah. Going through that now; friends that I was friends with for so long haven't spoken to me and when I went tearfully to their doorsteps to tell them I missed them, they said that it was just too hard to be friends with both of us. Big picture: learned who my friends were. Right now: Holy hell, the pain.
A fair and balance take, Kate, on a decidedly regrettable action on my part.
I think this is ador-a-ble!
So we now automatically have to assume Chris Brown was actually telling the truth about all of this? What if it turns out he was actually 12 and the girl was 13? Seriously, the ENTIRE premise of this is that we have to believe Brown was telling the truth about his age so please forgive me if I'm incredibly skeptical…
It's incredibly disappointing to me that you can write an article about "Men, Women, and Beauty", and somehow manage to only talk about Women's experiences.