
I feel like there's an important distinction to be made for some of these terms.

Fivehead? I had not heard of that. Fuck you 21st century if I'd lived in medieval europe I would have been hot.

The quick answer is, because of Vietnam. There was an incredible amount of anger and bitterness in the U.S. during and after Vietnam, particularly because Congress sold it as a quick and easy war but then body bags started coming back from Vietnam and draft numbers multiplied (by a lot, and quickly). There was a very

Though I don't feel the need to call you a fuckwad - mean! - I have to agree with smike (sp?) that this is a pretty awful thing to say. You're talking about human beings here. Even rich white male bankers are real people who deserve to be judged on the content of the character. The guy in this article isn't a douche

And of course this guy lives on 69th Street (he probably paid extra for that)

I'm equally confused. Why is a passive HOME security system illegal if it happens to catch a glimpse of genitals?

Lindy, Douchtin Bieber is getting charged in BRAZIL, not Colombia. In Colombia the police actually ESCORTED him while he painted the wall and it created quite the outrage in the media because a boy had been recently shot by police for spray painting a wall. In protest, people just spray painted the whole place and

Can anyone PLEASE explain the Beebz getting charged with vandalism in Bogota, but the entire article being about Brazil as Rio de Janeiro?

Usually before claiming something is sexist or homophobic or whatever angle we're aiming for here we check to find out what the actual policy is. Clearly we checked to make sure the same policy doesn't always apply to females.


I mean because that would be obvious.

You checked right?


Superintendent Don Blome

This is not as bad as it seems, apparently. "Superintendent Don Blome told Raw Story that middle school students were forbidden from bringing their bags to class. He said the policy was applied fairly to male and female students."

It happens all the time to skinny or slim women, too. But for women, it is treated as a "compliment". I am not sure if that is what reduces the barriers for women, since they may not realize that to men, the ideal is to be muscular?

Agree totally. As a shy and awkward guy, when I was single, I cant count how many times I got depressed whenever I hear or read women said they just want men who are confident and funny. I even cried back then, a lot. And even when I was in relationship, sometimes I have this fear that my girlfriend would leave me for

I'm not fat. Instead, my classmates used to call me "Skeleton man".


I feel you; I always cringe when men say that women "just" have to pretty, because to a large extent that's just the genetic lottery. If you don't win it, you're fucked. While men can increase their worth through accomplishments and acquired assertiveness, ugly women can look forward to a life of utter worthlessness

Calories in vs Calories out applies for women just as it does for men, so while it seems harder for women, it conceptually isn't. Also, ease in building confidence depends on what caused the lack of confidence in the first place. For some, they hit a slump in their life, and just need a change in perspective. Others,

I'm a pretty skinny guy. It always pisses me off when people mention it. Like it's different from calling someone overweight to their face.

I had a pretty shitty body image for awhile. Currently, I'm 5'10" and weigh 130 pounds. When I was a teenager and in my early college years I was a little bit shorter but barely 100 pounds. I was insecure because I felt like I didn't measure up to what society thought a man should look like. I wasn't confident in

I agree with you. I know some hilarious, intelligent, lovely men who have had zero luck with the women because of their undesirable physical attributes. It just isn't true that men don't need looks if they've got a good personality. I think it's fair to say appearance is more important for women, but still important

I realize this is probably more related to boys who are overweight, but I experienced this as well.