
Linkedin notifies you when others' looked at your profile, which is irritating. I found that out the hard way.

Honestly, I think that if it was a black man with a white wife, conservatives would be much more worked up.

It is not possible for all men to be rich. It is possible for all women to be non-fat. It is much easier for a fat women to become non-fat than for a non-rich man to become rich. I think it is silly for you to write, "rich woman, forgettaboutit."

I think this "moment" hardly deserved capitalization.

I have a fivehead. I just learned this term today, and I find it hilarious. But I would rather have a fivehead than a threehead. I cannot stop looking at threeheads. I bet threeheaded men look forward to receding hairlines. haha threeheaded men.

Yeah, I just heard of it now. I find it hilarious. And I probably have a fivehead. Do people seriously use that term? I must admit, I have always thought Nicole Kidman has a large forehead. But I never felt the urge to mock her for it.

Yeah, I know. "A mustache so fat you can see it from the front." WTH does that mean? You can see it from the front? If you can't see a mustache from the front, then it is not a mustache. Did she mean to type, "you can see it from the back"? That would make sense, but then why would it be called SIDE mustache?

Yeah, I just heard of it now. I find it hilarious. And I probably have a fivehead. Do people seriously use that term? I must admit, I have always thought Nicole Kidman has a large forehead. But I never felt the urge to mock her for it.

Hey, did you notice that our little conversation has been deleted? Isn't that odd?

Sure, but the author notes that her mixture of white wine and cherry coke resembles something which she may have purchased at the concession stand. If nobody cares once you're past the ticket taker, having such a believable looking liquid wouldn't matter. Also, that mixture sounds repulsive.

So ironic that you kid about having PTSD after grading papers, when we are talking about Tom Cruise possibly comparing being away on a movie shoot to being a soldier in Afghanistan.

I think that if you're trying to encourage women to enter STEM fields, you should do a little better than calling things thingamabobs.

Honestly, I think that it is entirely within the owner's right to not grant you a discount. He's not an asshat.

I had similar legal questions, and some people gave some pretty good answers. If you want to read it, my thread is above, not in the grays. Yay! So rare for me! Also, I got a lot of shit for A) being surprised this is a crime B) writing comments equally as long as yours.

What can I say, I am interested in legal things. Yesterday I learned about adverse possession, look it up, it's really interesting. But on this matter, I had that cleared up about 8 hours ago. You're pretty late to this party. Also, is it really necessary for you to tell me that this act is "creepy and immoral"

This deed certainly is creepy and immoral. However until now I did not realize that it was illegal. And today I learned that in 38 states you can audiotape somebody without their permission.

If you had a nation wide poll asking,

A birthday party.

Thanks for that. Wikipedia says 12 states require both parties' consent for telephone recording. New York is not one of them. Would telephone conversations be different than in person conversations being recorded? Probably not. Anyway, thanks for the info.