
I think that being a short man is a greater social handicap than being a fat woman. Not even close. You can lose weight, you cannot get taller, no matter how vigilant you are.

Ok, but women are just plain more likely to be considered physically attractive than men. I see tons of pretty women, not too many men who are straight up handsome. Also, Jezebel is pushing the idea that "beauty is a skill" which means that women can will themselves to beauty if they are willing to put in the time

In this corner, checking in at 214 lbs and not having read a book in 12 years, Bertha! In that corner, checking in at 267 lbs and having no hobbies whatsoever, Melvin! Let's get ready to Rummmmmmmmmmmmmble!

You seem like a supporter of male body image, which is nice.

I can relate. Which is why I am shocked that Jezebel is pushing their "beauty is a skill" idea. As in, all women can acheive beauty if they just puts in the time and effort, i.e. is "compliant." Firstly, I don't think it is true, and secondly, I think that idea is contrary to feminist philosophy.

I'm not quite as willing to let them off the hook since those girls probably knew they were less likely to hook up with super skinny guys.

It happens all the time to skinny men. In college I would put a little check on my calendar for each day somebody would tell me how skinny I was. Some of my female friends made huge deals about female body image at the time. I was always so baffled since hardly anybody ever commented on their appearances, yet I was

Why do you say "universal male experience"? I didn't write about any experience which is experienced by every damn male. However, I did write about an experience which is felt by males and rarely by females, and that was...

Dozens? As in at least 24? I can absolutely not believe that.

I agree you can't learn how to be tall, but let's be honest, height is more of male problem.

"You are saying women should show interest before men approach."

I think you're way out of the loop.

I agree. And being funny, smart, cool isn't all that easy either.

Men get rejected more than women. It's not even close.

"The boys aren't insecure because they aren't having sex, they're insecure because they don't meet the requirement they see on TV and on Billboards"

I think this has everything to do with sex. We're talking about teenage boys with poor body image who then become depressed. That means, we're talking about fat, or skinny, or short, or just plain unattractive boys who aren't getting laid, and want to get laid. These guys are not projecting masculinity, therefore

I think I see what you're saying. Let's talk about deer. Bucks and does.

Jezebel is really pushing the idea that "pretty is a skill." i.e., beauty is something which is within every woman's grasp, it just depends on whether she is willing to put in the work/time. There have been a few articles on that concept. It seems to be the Jezebel party line.

I'm a man, here are some thoughts on male body image...

"whereas men are allowed to fall back on stuff like "ideas" and "assertiveness" and "sense of humor""