If you click his ad, he claims to be 25 years old. At the time I thought it was weird for Jez to speculate that he is 25, but I now see that it was not speculation.
If you click his ad, he claims to be 25 years old. At the time I thought it was weird for Jez to speculate that he is 25, but I now see that it was not speculation.
Shocked and appalled was a poor choice of words. Honestly, you accuse the husbands of feeling superior to their Taiwanese wives, well, the wives are equally sexist against Taiwanese men for thinking the Swiss men are superior.
Your "very few people will..." comment came first, and that is why I called you out. It came with no other qualifying statements. If you go back and read that first post of yours, I think you will see why I called you out.
Come on. If you believe "that Asians have a harder time than whites with management-track jobs (even if they have Western names), and that Asians get the shortest end of the shortest stick in American media. Especially Asian men in this regard."
I think "less argumentative" is not too far off from "submissive." I also think that white men see Asian women as easier to date. As in, white men think that they have a higher chance of successfully dating an Asian woman than a white woman. I can understand this since every Asian woman I know, see, or hear about…
If you want to be taken seriously, you need to be serious.
Ok, I believe you. You just shouldn't have written this, "Very few people will disparage a Japanese-American for having the name Kenji or Ayako." Frankly, I don't think you should have brought Asians into this discussion at all.
I cannot tell if you are being serious or not.
Fair point on the list of Asian CEOS, but the bamboo ceiling does exist. Socially and professionally, having an Asian name can be a handicap. In my first post to you I wrote "I agree that a Keisha will have more problems than a Kenji," so it is unnecessary for you to tell me how much more problematic a black name is…
1. Ok, it is cool that you can acknowledge that you are privileged, but what next? A white man who says, "White privilege exists, and I benefit. Asian women are thirsty for white cock," is acknowledging his privilege in a shitty way.
True, we as a society are uncomfortable saying that a nonwhite woman is privileged and prejudiced.
I disagree that people see "Pilot Inspektor" as cute. If you're famous you can might be able to get away with it. But if you're not famous, you're a jackass. If an expecting couple told me they were naming their child "Pilot Inspektor," I would openly discourage it.
Is "Angus" considered a black name? I always associated it with Scottish people, or at least white people in general. I have never met an Angus in real life.
A lot of Asian people adopt western names so that people will readily know if they are male or female when they see their name written.
I'm more interested in why Jez does not explore the stereotype of Asian women with white fetishes. It seems as if Asian women are not being held accountable.
"All his Swiss French engineer friends are married to Taiwanese women." Why is this shocking and appalling?
I don't know if it's just you, but I see plenty of South Asian women dating white men. I am definitely not saying that white men are the ultimate prize, but it makes me wonder if being a dark skinned Indian woman is a dating handicap in this country. In fact, it makes me wonder if a lot of dark skinned Indian…
Yeah, she deserves no sympathy because of her "No Asian Men" policy. I honestly believe that so many Asian women are choosing white men that it is becoming unreasonable to expect white people to not feel superior to Asians.
"Asian women are raised to like white men." When you phrase it like that, you absolve Asian women of all responsibility. It seems so strange how people will condemn white men as creeps with Asian fetishes, while Asian women with strong preferences for white men are left comparitively off the hook.