I ain't worried about the chick, I'm worried about the horse.
+1 Burkey
Blad The Medically Assisted Inhaler
In order, I got: Paul Ryan, Honey Boo Boo, Gabrielle Giffords, pregnant Bristol Palin, young Jeffrey Maier, and fat Gregg Williams. WHADOIWIN?
Well done!
Since you seem to be addressing a variety of questions...WUT ABOUT THE GAYS?!?!?111?
Are you high right now?
I was also trying to figure out if he represents Hines Ward!!
This has to be the most boring set of questions every fielded in a Deadspin Yak session.
Please stop fielding these fucking softballs. You are anonymous for a reason. What is the most fucked up thing you have heard an athlete ever say and who did they say it to?
Judging by the above photo, you're Amish. That being said, how upset are you with the photographer?
A more apt major league comparison of getting hit in the head with a 99mph fastball? Peter Gammonds.
Incoherently mumbling "Roger" several hundred times at the border ultimately prevented Williams from continuing on into Vietnam.
It seems Massachusetts is just destined to always have problems with Mondays in the Minor Leagues.