erect, proud, shining, and solid. Oh, how exquisite!
erect, proud, shining, and solid. Oh, how exquisite!
Way late to the party but my lurking co-workers agreed this was my best work in 2011.
Meanwhile, just six percent of those poled by live.
Not too often you see "plow the field" follow "cast off the shackles" in a sentence. Impressive, Barry.
Looks like Ken Rosenthal is becoming so delirious in his ramblings that he's now resorted to throwing shit at the Law.
It's…we have gone to two AFC Championships games two years in a row in back-to-back years.
Neither of us is God.
With Matthew Barnaby finally out at ESPN due to his alcohol-related problems, its not hard to imagine ESPN showing less love 4 Lokomotiv.
First of all, they don't even sound drunk.
Asked post-game to clarify who the base of the play was, Cunningham threw Burton under the bus.
Nicely Done!
Chu said that the whole experience was "really awkward" because Gordon was expected to promote the clippers.
Graham, raised in the Jim Crow-era South and suffering from dimentia, was simply trying to resolve the conflict the only way he knew how.
Chiefs execs came down in the hardest sense on Haley for failing to expose the culprit of a series of late night raids on the pantry at team HQ.
/Reads about Phanatic visiting homeland
Ouch, Stern. Ouch
In the spirit of full disclosure, ESPN also reported this week that Matthew Barnaby's SUV is also being retired.
In Europe, Italians call it football. In the US, Italians call it Sacco.
"Griffin III, Luck, Mathieu was real tough this year but honestly I feel that Trent Richardson was by far the BCS"
Pucker Slut