
Wasn't Warren considering a bid or did she choose not to?

Thanks. I can definitely see how that must get old.

You didn't need to. I just didn't quite get your initial post. As I pointed above, I'm just being overly simplistic and splitting hairs.

Ok. Now I get what your saying. Thanks for clarifying.

I didn't say that it wasn't. I said reproduction isn't strongly related to economics. And that most things are about as tied to economics as reproduction.

I was talking about about reproductive rights being related to economics.

Well. They did have "failure to communicate".

We don't generally put people down when they are suffering though. At best we let them refuse aid.

Tangentially yes. But not directly.

Because they take sticking to there morals (well whichever ones they feel strong about that day) more serious than any amount of common sense. And a hell of a lot more than actually being fiscally conservative. They might just want to start saying that they are more fiscally conservative than other options.

Maybe there views on laws are like there views on complicated pregnancies. After the law is conceived if they can get it out of the womb (congress) they think it may magically develop the ability to be a full law.

Oh come on. Kanye at least has some talent as a musician (quite a lot I would say but not as much as he seems to think). I don't think I've ever seen a creative Kardashian.

It is funny how neo-Nazi's seem to forget that you had to be of specific white groups not to be put in slave labor camps.

Sadly enough people tend to fall short of there responsibilities when they think it will cause them or those they care about problems. The mother may have lost the kids. The bf may have flipped out either if the kid got medical treatment or after CYS showed up. The other kids could have been in more immediate danger

That sounds like an amazing system. Not to often I here much good about Quebec (usually just the crazy stuff). Good to be reminded that it isn't all crazies and in many ways has it's shit together more than my country (or state I suppose).

Trauma is a shitty animal. People often respond to repeated abuse (or other things that cause trauma) by trying to avoid recognizing the problem or leaving the situation. Not that I disagree with the charges or think that she didn't fail in her responsibility to at least one of her children or that she should be in

I don't disagree. My point was more that we don't prohibit people from marrying or reproduceing regardless of potential genetic disorders unless incest involved.

You just made my day.

But if we argue that genetic issues are a valid reason to ban a marriage shouldn't we argue that anyone with a sever genetic disorder that is usually also passed on to children (like some forms of dwarfism) also not be aloud to marry?

Oh. I thought it had become law. What a pity (full disclosure I dislike politicians as a rule and feel that at least at the national level that they are pretty much all over payed and to some degree out of touch with the rest of us).