
American Experience did “Freedom Riders”, “Freedom Summer”, “1964”, and “Klansville USA”, off the top of my head— they often borrow a lot of Burns’s style & approach to documentaries, and the immediacy & intimacy of the time-snapshot you get is just great.

Uh....his 1st Amendment rights aren’t implicated. That is assuming the used car lot is a private enterprise and not owned by the state.

[Obama] being a communist

“There are only two things I hate - racists, and the Dutch!”

But FDR was actually kind of radical, him and Huey Long were talking about pretty serious redistribution of wealth in the 1930s. I have my students read some documents from the American Communist Party from the 1930s, and some documents from Long and FDR from the same period, people honestly have a hard time telling

...and you almost definitely have a clause in your contract that says you can’t make public statements harmful to the business, so either way he’s fucked.

Now, now, now. Let's be reasonable. He might not be a racist. He might just be your everyday, garden-variety sociopath.

Peace between us then. That was kind. Misunderstandings happen; the nature of our brains+crazy language that we then have to negotiate betwixt ourselves. Perhaps I implied something misleading. I didn't mean to. Stay well.

I agree with you, but I still wish we would stop saying he threatened to lynch him. He said he wanted to hang him. Yes, we connect the dots and assume hes a racist pig (which he probably is), and thus we change hanging to lynching. But that jump bugs me a little bit for some reason.

A communist? Judging by President Obama’s financial advisors and that trade deal, I’d say he’s kind of Republican-lite, no?

Can I just say...this is bugging me a just little bit. He didnt say lynch in those tweets as far as I know. He said he wanted to hang him. Now, he very well MAY have been thinking lynch, and thinking hanging that uppity black man in the segregated south of the 50s and 60s sort of way.

I dunno, I kind of prefer my racists to be openly, disgustingly racist. Then I can just avoid interacting with them. You ever have someone spring racism on you? Like you’re having a delightful conversation and then a racial slur comes out of them like an alien chestburster? Ugh, I hate that.

When, Exactly, did I say that his speeach had been restricted? Quote me, if you can. As far as I know, his speech was not censored. Re-read, please, I Absolutely did NOT say that. Nor do I see how you could have taken such a notion since I did not take this from the blog. Don't attack without.... well, we should never

So he wants to kill the President because of communism? Oh! That makes it ALL better!

I can see the press event:

If he was an employee-at-will, they can fire him for any reason - as we said in law school, good reason, bad reason or no reason at all, as long as it wasn’t an illegal reason, like discrimination based on race, sex, or religion. If you have a written contract that sets out different terms, you’re not an at-will

I know it’s a sign of progress that people who do and say virulently racist things no longer admit they’re racists. But God damn is it ever annoying! “I’m totally 100% not even the slightest bit racist at all, I just happen to belong to a fun club called the Ku Klux Racial Tolerance Klan where I spend time with other

I'm not a young'un, but I DO get why twitter is so popular. No way Am I defending this guy's poor choices, but if everyone wants free speech, then even those who alarm us still have the right to speak. Anyway, if some shlub wwants to "15 minutes fame" himself as a jerk at least we all know who he is and how to avoid

Am I wrong in saying this guy thinks “not racist” means “I hate thing x about someone more than I hate their race”? Because I think that’s one of the most insanely conservative definitions of racism that I've ever seen, and I've been on the internet at LEAST two times.

A used car salesman, who turned out to be a shady character. Didn’t see that coming.