
We also aren’t payed based on need.

Hanging != lynching. They aren’t mutually inclusive things.

He asks if it is a hang able offense. Kind of implies that he is asking about legal recourse and not vigilante action since vigilante action doesn’t hinge on whether punishment is legal.

He asks if it is a hang-able offence. That would tend to indicate that he believes he did commit the crimes, that he is asking about legal policy (which would imply it’s a legal execution and not lynching), and that he’s an idiot since Obama’s actions are at worst an abuse of power /which is a tough sell) and not

Blacks? A lot of his policies excluded blacks from the help that they made available.

Not neccisarily. Communism as a political philosophy doesn’t acually espouse much in the way of censure on expression (doesn’t focus on expression much t all). Most countries that are “communist” (I mean countries that claim to be communist states not the ones held up as such by detractors) tend to be politically

He didn’t actually say that he wished for him to be lynched though. He asked if treason was a hangable offence (which would imply the rule of law since if you lynch someone it is by definition outside said rule of law) and the said that he hoped that he would. Lynching isn’t just hanging someone. Its a vigilante act

Don’t forget socialized education. For most it seems they don’t view medical coverage as a right (as far as it being to far) and don’t get what the concept of a social welfare state is (which we have been for a long time).

Yes. But is it necessarily bigoted to want your representation to look like you? As a similar example lets say someone plays an RPG but only creates male characters that look like them (or female if a girl). Is that sexist to want your representation to look like you?

Sounds to me like your right that it is probably racist (could I suppose make an argument that the kid wanted an avatar that represented him but regardless still something that deserved a good tongue lashing).

Going to have to point this out. Treason is a crime so realistically if he didn’t use the word lynch he could just be hoping that he is tried and sentenced to death (though if that is the case a needle would make more sense since hanging hasn’t been the prefered method of execution for ages (though people seem to

A. The founder of their offshoot denomination had some strong accusations about molestation so I doubt they would kick him out over it if they felt that he was sorry.

Oh doubt he is the only one in that family that has felt up one of the other children. Think about it, cloistered religious household where your only real company is your siblings and your families idea of sex ed is we’ll talk about it when your married. Just makes me think Flowers in the Attic.

? Who is Karl Lagerfield? I mean that the NAZI's would have cared.

Score one for team cat I suppose.

Definitely seems to be less stress for single folks at times.

Generally only if they aren't convicted of raping the mother (which legally (as far as other laws are concerned I mean not that a lack of conviction means that they didn't do it) means they didn't do it). He was convicted of his crimes and still gets those rights.

People idolize Charly Sheen? To be fair I didn't no that they idolized Ray Rice either (though at least he seems more stable than Sheen is).

No clue about Sheen. But wasn't Sean Penn beating Madonna in the 80's? If it's what I'm thinking of I would imagine it has to do with her wanting to keep it under wraps at the time and that the 80's took domestic violence even less seriously.

One could argue that in large part they were able to invent these things while not needing to worry about work as the company payed them to do it. Though in all fairness Apple hasn't invented much since the early 80s (most of their success is do to smart investments and good marketing). Though Job's (our any CEO of a