
Shouldn't Social Services handle the photographs and updates for the father/ violent criminal. It seems to me like it would make sense for them to do that stuff.

In all fairness, prison does seem to be the best way to turn a non-violent offender into a violent one


Originated? Most nations have had some form of police force. Even States that didn't initially have slaves tended to have them.

How shitty is the training if opening a door with a service weapon seems like a good idea.

Nothing is more family oriented than delivery complications.

Fagot as a slur generally refers to gay (and occasionally bi) men. Which she is not.

It also means a bundle of sticks (hitorically). Though I'm pretty sure the only major way it's been used as a slur (and the way people today generally perceive it's use) is as an insult to homosexual men.

Wonder if his finding Jesus is just more of his crazy (like Jesus is 2 cells over). His tweets while he was on the run seemed kind of erratic.

What intelligence would you expect? In a hostage situation it isn't unthinkable that a hostage might be forced to be a threat. In which case they would have to be dealt with. A more common reason would be simply to get them out of the way so if there is a shoot out they don't get shot.

Yes and no. Big cities have their own but my town for instance doesn't even have it's own basic police force (we use the State Police and surrounding areas have agreements with us I guess) so SWAT is right out. I think the Staties have a few teams that can respond but in general most local police forces can launch a

More likely (though not necessarily mutually exclusive) they probably have the same mentality soldiers doing raids do (soldier as in any member of the armed forces as opposed to the more accurate use of the word only for members of a standing army).

Will my medical insurance cover it's removal?

That's not just men. Most people don't complain about something being unfair as long as the unfairness benefits them. For instance it isn't fair that I got 2k more a year than I asked for because the hiring person doesn't understand negotiation when I would be more or less the same off without it while I'm sure

Yes and no. To regular folks with little celebrity like me or you (I'm assuming your not famous), women definately get it more. Though with popular celebrities I would assume it is less based on sex/gender more on how popular someone is at the time. I'm sure Beiber got his fair share of this shit.

I'm with you for the most part. Though there doesn't seem to be anything sexual about the message.

Well it's a request, not a demand. Still a gross invasion of privacy though.

That really depends on which branch of Protestantism. The Anglican church is pretty progressive on gay rights. The Southern Baptist Church on the other hand is less friendly to LGBT folks than the catholic church. No clue on non-denominational Protestantism.

Liberal for a cleric is unsurprisingly not all that liberal. Still the best the church has had. A pity he isn't better. But yeah I doubt they would have elected a pope who was more liberal than him.

I always think Emperor Palpatine.