
In all fairness a majority of Oklahoma's citizens may support this (I hope not) and arguably their job is to represents those who elected them in the case that their is conflict between multiple viewpoints. Lets hope that most of her constituents don't so much agree with this position but maybe a less odious one she

Out of curiosity, has any nation ever fully embraced homosexual relationships as equal to hetero-sexual ones? I know some were indifferent and some were a little more celebratory. But I don't know of any nations that have ever treated them as equal (other than recently of course and well under a few decades ago).

So they think being gay is so fun that people can't stop even if they wanted to (I mean, lets face it, most Alcoholics have trouble with the more latent effects from alcohol, but I imagine that they still enjoy the drinking).

I thought they actually passed a bill mandating that they don't get health benefits (and then bitched about it being the ACA's fault (despite them voting on it)).

Which would be funny. As even if them offering employees that in another sector could show that. As staffers these peoples jobs don't exactly ride on turning a profit do they? So arguably them choosing to pay has little to do with anything other than themselves since they don't really have a board or share holders or

Tim Curry. Always relevant and always appreciated.

Hooters has gotten sued for discrimination in not hiring men (quite a few times) and sexist and lewd remarks by a female training manager towards the wait staff.

Nice article. And great point on turnover and it's cost.

"first petty officer"? Do you mean Petty Officer, First Class? Or that only one petty officer was accused at that time?

Is it uncommon to ask people to put up there hair/ slouch/ect so one can see at an opera (serious question, never been to an opera, let alone the one in NYC)?

So what's with the whole "Stifler's Mom" thing, in relation to Rose?

Mandatory Civics class for them.

Why is it that people seem to be stupid enough to video tape this shit?

Ouch. Dude Bro needs to chill (and be less creepy).

Is that Norman Bates?

He didn't steal DOS from Xerox (and certainly not apple). He bought the rights to the initial software (86-DOS) from Seattle Computer Products.

"the state doesn't have to pay anything when the people affected by this change die. "

It's class in the sense that white people are a class, black people, Homosexuals, heterosexuals, ect. It's a way of legally grouping someone under the law for purposes of defining who said law protects and in what way.

I'm confused. At least as far as awards at this show go, aren't there just as many for women (i.e. Best Actress in a Comedy vs Best Actor and so on)?

A.) I said hypothetically a comic could do both. Notice the whole part where I said that I didn't know enough about this to say that was the case here?