
They play pretty loose with continuity in all fairness. I'm of two minds. It would be odd seeing a black Bond assuming the character is still treated as the same one Connery and the others played. On the other hand it's Idris Elba.

Yes. But women as a whole (or smaller groups) not threats to individuals.

I didn't say people having rape fantasies correlated to them being rapists or to them wanting to get raped. Same thing with people who like to be hit in the context of sex, doesn't mean that they want some random person to beat them. I just assumed that since their was no spot for that in the survey that they filed it

Not according to industry studies on who writes most romance and erotic novels.

That would be odd for erotic novels. Since by far the largest group of creators and consumers are women.

The only problem I have with that article is it places the use of "white" later than it started (though to be fair at that time it was mostly used in anthropology and not common use and the only consistent groups I think were french and English but at times included Northern Africans (such as Libyans)).

Thank you.

Ah. So white supremacy in this case is just referring to white privilege? Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Never said that they were.

Nope. Just lazy and only glanced over the first few lines. Sorry bout that.

Why do you assume a man wrote this? Most erotica is written for and by women.

? Not really to say anything about gamersgate. But you realize this books target audience was probably women, right?

Fucking brilliant. Seriously wish I could star this more.

Can we turn this into a rally chant?

There are a couple of more extreme people slash groups that claim to be feminists and talk about castration and segregation. Unfortunately they color some people opinions of the rest of the movement.

Wait so one sick juror and they need to retry the case? Didn't they have one or two back up jurors?

Beer pill? Care to explain what my assumed gender has to do with anything?

Why don't they just get a PC at home instead of paying for time? Maybe LAN with some friends?

? What he said? Or am I missing something in the picture?