
Wouldn't about 50% of the white vote have still had to go to Obama (granted that's assuming 100% turn out which didn't happen) since whites still make up roughly 60% of the population. Not saying your wrong that racism exists (since lets be real here voting someone into office and not being racist aren't the same

Very nice. I love that your doing videos now as well. Can we expect more of these from you in the future?

The new black panther party not the original. This link sums them up better than I could.

So one must wonder. What causes this? Society? biology? Both?

I'm happy that they are going with a plus (or average (I be bad at sizes) )sized woman instead of the more recent version.

More of an anti-hero really.

Am I the only one who finds it a bit odd to perform what is usually considered a very sexual dance for an old celibate person? Not wrong per se, just strikes me as a bit odd.

So he isn't a rapist but a child pornographer. He might want to rethink that since last I checked the justice system does a bit better at finding them guilty.

Will you have a van and some stoner dude and dog?

Depends. The FBI does. But no most law enforcement broadly groups by offence and not reason of the offense (which to be fair is how most police should do it, since there job isn't to fix criminals but to catch them).

I would have to find it and I think it tracked sexual predators as a group. So assuming many weren't mentally ill that would throw off the number. I'll try to find that one. Here's a huff post one that lumps rapists together:… I post this since it may be the same study I

Well, no one claimed that he cared that much (if any) more about the victims than him self.


And there is debate on whether it is a thing. Hetero/homo work the best for the comparison that third was going for since we know that assuming the correct orientation is known (some studies show that humans are more fluid than we thought and society instills in us a lot of our insistence on either being homo or

It's not as bad as it sounds. It's just getting a depo shot every few months (at least in the US that's the preferred one). The problem is it only keeps them from getting it up, it doesn't really kill the urges in everyone.

Assuming they go to jail they actually have a relatively low re-offence rate assuming therapy after release. You'll notice that he is missing one of those things.

By the ages he actually isn't a pedophile. They would most likely have been pubescent so it would make him a hebephile (attraction to pubescent humans). Still a child molester. But since we are talking about disease I figured that it was worth noting.

Of course they know that it's wrong. If the disorder caused them not to they generally wouldn't face punishment other than forced therapy and/ or confinement to an institution.

Nice bible dig.

I love it.