
I don't know. He always struck me as a very earnest radical conservative. I mean I know if I want some one to bash my gay friends, out law masturbation, push the envelope to allow obscenity laws to go further, or keep woman from having thems abortions; That I should vote for him. Since I want none of those things I

That really depends on how you define intelligence. For his definition he is looking at originality of the information and agency. Which is more of a philosophical argument. Is intelligence for instance the ability to process information and act if the information has to be provided? A super computer for instance

The problem with that argument is you could always argue the reverse. "If she didn't want to carry his child she shouldn't have had sex with him". I'm more of the her body her choice mindset, so just saying.

There salaried I assume. So aren't they just wasting time that they would be wasting anyways (seriously, how many vacations do these people need)?

The state would probably have to prove you knew you didn't impregnate her.

Well, he seems to think rape allegations have quick investigations (or that how long an investigation takes is the same as not finding enough evidence to charge or an acquittal) so maybe he is pro-very late term abortions (like 3 yrs old)?

I doubt they will need to. The police union forces them not to fire him before the trial (I'm sure that there are ways around it) but instead to place him on admin leave or some such. As far as him not being in jail, that's really on the judge from not disallowing bail.

I doubt international law. More than likely we will see collaboration (hopefully) between countries to charge their respective offenders. Similar to the recent SWATing charges in Florida where a Canadian kid was the one making the threats.

Not necessarily. I mean it definitely exists in most (probably all) cultures but that doesn't mean it takes the same form in all of them.

This is an amazing peace. Some of it I need to reread and consider my own views versus the ones that you presented and I think that speaks to your skill as a writer. I realize as a Post Graduate Fellow and a Novelist you are probably very busy, but I would quite enjoy reading more pieces from you. Also does your novel

About fucking time. Now if Barry can just close Gitmo and get the VA problems under control I'll be pretty happy.

Considering both are Canadian I assume that the answers may be different from the ones this girls case. I assume Canada has different laws (to some extent) on how investigations and arrests are handled.

So the member of a hate group says something hateful in one case but is quite respectable in another that he feels a connection to. Still my beating heart.

That depends. I doubt it's been tested. The CAH folks mailed it to people who solicited it so I doubt many people would be interested in pressing charges or suing. Though if the used USPS they may technically be liable.

And between this and the Grand Juries making sure the rest of us don't need to serve jury duty it seems like there is some confusion over what these different entities duties are.

"Now, if you're thinking that not only is it inappropriate and completely distasteful to co-opt a dying man's last words, to take a phrase that has been used to fight against police brutality and to straight up mock it and the movement behind it, to re-assert police dominance in the situation, and to make money off of

That sounds better than what I saw in the trailer. Good to hear.

Sure. I just have preferences against them. I'm not a huge fan of grind house movies either to be fair.

A.) Murder is generally (though not always) used as a term for illegally killing someone.

I would say that they are committing censorship when they choose not to based on moral grounds (as one example) against the content, like for instance only showing R rated movies that have beeps over cursing or removing the sex scenes. I'm not saying censorship is always a bad thing, Cartoon Networks viewers (or more