
Never said they were. But they do have final say on legality. Which means that it isn't illegal for a state to execute certain criminals. If it was declared illegal tomorrow it wouldn't make it retroactively illegal.

Not according to the supreme court it isn't and they have final say on constituionality. It is legally permissible for people found guilty of murders (I'm sure there was more to the SCOTUS decisions on it than just that).

I was just pointing out that while it isn't really very widespread, which you seemed to be saying in an earlier post. It definitely should be addressed as it is a real problem.

I would call it censorship just as I call youtube restriction on content to be censorship.

Hell. Valve can choose to only sell christian games if they want to. But I can still bitch about their decision to do such.

There isn't a widespread mass shooting problem anywhere. Even with the current uptick of shootings there is still only about one a week. As far as crimes go that makes it rarer than spousal homicides or even most other classifications for any given murder.

It has the right to say no and people have the right to voice their displeasure about Valve choosing to censor the content available on it's service. Just like if US Target stores followed suit with their Australian counterparts with GTAV. They aren't required to sell it but people aren't required to be quiet about

Your point is that he didn't commute the sentences on death row inmates that where executed while he was governor, correct? Regardless of your feelings (which seem to line up with line on capitol punishment) he has the legal authority to not do such and his state has the authority (at least according to the federal

I meant in a non-legally sanctioned way.

That's a little off. Most are "smarter" than a single celled organism (which have no actual intelligence since they lack any sort of nervous system). Some can even compete with say something like a house fly. If we expand our view a bit on what a robot is, some research projects some can actually compete with a field

So just executions? I though you meant he actually personally killed people either on purpose or drunk driving like Teddy Kennedy. Valid point though.

? any links on that?

Wait. Sanatorum might run? Oh god.

Even assuming 50-50 truthfulness that still would mean that 10 of his accusers are telling the truth. Not to be to hard on Camille, I get that she's the product of a different era and that this is the man she loves. I have no idea what she knows or doesn't or how hard Bill worked to hide this side of himself from her.

It depends. But this really just seem like a 3d dress. Artistically and technologically impressive but not really 4D (no time element, no other dimensions that we don't experience as a 4th dimension),

They can always let the Philippines try him on the agreement that they get access to try him on courts martial after. Assuming they wanted to.

Japan's been up and down on whether they get to try US service members.

So where are the 30 Wolverines?

No prob. I would love to read some of your other stuff. Your style just seems like it lends itself well to discussing tough issues and being able to say "yeah this is fucked up" without putting people on "the other side" as it were on the defensive. Which I find to be really impressive.

So does this mean the current professor lost his/her job? Or are they just not referring to it as the "Cosby Chair"?