
Whether they can hold onto those things or not isn't really at issue with the sentiment littleteacup stated. They would still compete for those things against everyone else. So by limiting the number of competition they limit their chances of loosing out. Not that it is right or wrong, just that if 50 men and 50 women

Women tend to get lighter punishments for murder and assault as well. But your rare crimes (such as murder) are about it. God forbid an attractive woman (to the jury) con someone.

Ouch. That is really depressing.

As far as the whole criminal punishment goes it really depends on the crime. Anything with children women tend to get much harsher penalties. Murder and assault against adults tend to be lighter penalties. Not that I don't agree with the rest of your statement. More of the reason I tell people who care about men's

It's what I've always found funny about some who claim to want equal rights. Sure some women claim to be feminists and take extreme views. But most feminism that I've viewed se these things as a problem to. Societies expectations that is. Heck if people have a problem with the expectations for men, I would argue

All true. Heck even if McD's at least forced the franchises to treat employee's as people it would be a big improvement. From the ones I worked at there seemed to be no incentive to stay other than not getting payed enough to have the time to look for better.

To be fair if they cooked as needed for food instead of the fast food mehtod (making 12 burgers that haven't been ordered at a time) it would reduce cost. So would paying a wage that encourages long term employment as apposed to assuming everyone will leave and paying shit (as McD's does).

Don't forget into poison. It's what I tried to explain to my friends who swore that they needed it for their workout. It's pretty easy to over do protien and start causing more harm than good.

If you can afford it. McDonald's and other such restaurants make a lot on convenience and price is actual quality (heck McD's is the only one who would argue that thier food is a quality product). But if you have no time (such as if you work 80 hrs a week) they are a decent price point and quantity for their price. Vs

If you can afford it yes. Not everyone has an even choice between quantity and quality unfortunately.

Good to hear that they can pay their employees a decent wage. I do wonder what would happen if MCD's did something similar, being as you put it a lot of their money goes to the parent company. Not kidding, I really wonder if there is an even keel of pay that franchisers could pay and McDonald's still make a good

Depends on the country and local regulations. I think the US requires killing them first (could be wrong though). I know raccoon dogs tend to either have their necks broken and then are skinned immediately (often) the more humane way to do it from what I hear is to electrocute them (electrode to the head and to the

I would have assumed being crushed would have ruined most of the pelt. But those pics look gorgeous.

For me the grossness comes from the processing of something that the person doesn't know how long it's been dead (I would probably end up with the liquified ones every time I tried to "harvest"). But I don't see anything gross (well grosser than regular animal products) about wearing the finished products.

Gross (kinda) but awesome.

#NotAllWikiArticles ? :P

At least your taking the time to apologies. And with more than just a "my" bad. That says a lot about your integrity.

And heaven help if they look Mideastern (early 2000's was not a great time for a non-racist in PA let alone anyone who looked like they could be an "A-Rab" (as a bunch of inbred hicks liked to refer to anyone who looked middle-eastern looked). But your right, in general the Jews who look European (Sephardic Jews I

Of course. Thanks for reading my post and being cordial.

Have to agree with the Irish and Italian statement. Can't get behind the Jewish one. While they may have it substantially better than many other POC I've known people who view them from a point of reverence to ones thinking that they only have allegiance to Israel. Plus the KKK, Nation of Islam, and Aryan Brotherhood