
He got better than Polanski in that he is still free to roam the world. Roman has to avoid extradition to the US (he's a fugitive). Though to be fare Roman confessed in court to it where as I don't think Cosby has been involved in a criminal case.

It was. But I would say that a mentally healthy person wouldn't have assumed it would help them. I'm not saying misogyny didn't play a part (clearly it informed his choice in victims and he clearly didn't like women having equal rights) just that a mentally healthy misogynist (assuming misogyny isn't in and of itself

She didn't get one so there was none to enforce. And so there was no breach.

Sorry. I think I get what your saying. But I don't get how they can see it that way.

How are the two related (to said people)? Did Rock say something bad about either (I mean something that would reflect badly on Chris Rock).

I don't know if I would call the SNL one subtle. Hilarious though.

No. Though he could have been arrested for breaking it by threatening her, and maybe then he could have been forced into a psychiatric institute. Though that would require that the cops do their jobs and enforce it, which from what I know is pretty hit or miss.

I think he meant from the alleged head trauma that he mentioned earlier.

Also, you know. This being an opinion piece and all would mean that there shouldn't be much of an expectation that the writer is objective.

The New Black panther's had a lot of people upset over that (congress investigated the incident). Though obviously none of the people that were allegedly intimidated since the investigation didn't find anyone who said they felt forced to vote a different way.

Ah. So the civil rights violation has to be motivated by bigotry. That's kind of sad that police abusing the people that they should be protecting and serving isn't enough in and of itself.

Doesn't seem to radical to me. A sign at a protest? Who the fuck thinks that's radical in any way?

I don't know. I mean your right that's all they can get him on (I think). I would think that police brutality would be a pretty obvious violation of civil rights (though I don't know the letter of the law on that) and it seems pretty obvious that he did use undo force. Though it seems pretty obvious to me that there

Except you kill a deer and field clean it on sight and Tamir was taken to the hospital. Not sure how it's so hard for you to understand the difference between shooting someone and leaving them to die and shooting someone and calling for medical aid. My point being I'm not buying your willful ignorance. Go put your

Except why did he go on a rampage instead of staying inside and angrily posting on Reddit? Rampages in murder aren't as common as misogyny which would suggest mental illness as a cause. I mean misogyny could be a mental illness and all, except that most misogynists are able to function within society while whats his

That one looks particularly Disney villany to me.

Wouldn't that just mean that being a misogynistic asshole is a mental illness? Clearly his views stopped him from being a functioning member of society. So either misogyny would have to be a mental illness (if it is the cause) or something else has to be the cause. And if misogyny is a mental illness why can so many

But why a rampage? Why not slash tires, or scream loudly, or publicly masturbate?

Wouldn't that just mean that being a misogynistic asshole is a mental illness? Clearly his views stopped him from being a functioning member of society. So either misogyny would have to be a mental illness (if it is the cause) or something else has to be the cause. And if misogyny is a mental illness why can so many