
Did someone forget to tell them that it wasn't a trial so all an indictment would mean is that it goes to trial?

The only problem is then any jury would be almost guaranteed to be white rich and relatively old (given that most lawyers are white and come from wealth in this country). Not that I don't agree that most people are idiots.

From what I heard most of the earlier rioting (aside from the police arguably rioting) was people from outside of the town.

I have opened a book. So I saw the larger slave rebellions and what effects that they had. Generally just getting those who rebelled killed (and a lot of folks who didn't getting killed to). I never said white's ended slavery for some moral reason (most weren't abolitionists), that's a hilarious thought though. The

My point was that the lawyers would have been about as sure if that was the case. Not that cases like that are all that common.

And fuck people like you who can't understand that you need to work with people in power to get change unless you can take enough power yourself. Since whites make up around 64% of the population (and make up most of the obscenely rich) that means they have a good deal of control over this country.

? I've had racist friends some white some POC. I'm drunk and I think I missed your point (it's a couple miles above my head).


Heck. Even that ass had worse. Wilson looks fit for prom.

? Sorry. Pretty drunk. I think your point went a few feet over my head.

Arguably it did work to an extend for MLKjr (unless the civil rights bill had nothing to do with his efforts (I honestly am not very well versed in the federal climate at the time so maybe it didn't) and it worked pretty well for Ghandi. But violence is pretty old hat and generally hurts those trying to get change

Sorry I'm drunk. But I'm interested in what your saying. If you have the time and inclination could you simplify it more for me (bout 4 everclears and ginger ales in).

Well no. I wasn't trying to say that you were a bad person or that your anger isn't unfounded (I wasn't aware that you had traveled outside the US). And I'm not about to argue what is or isn't racism (had to many of those arguments and quite frankly they tend to go back and forth with neither side gaining any incite).

It doesn't necessarily change a damn thing (unfortunately). But violence just gives an excuse for crack downs and drives the whites away. And since they make up over 60% of the population that isn't helpful. And at least when people protest it makes it clear that they aren't happy (which doesn't admittedly do a lot

Ah. Thanks. I didn't know any of this.

Vengeance come in many forms and directions. Justice would have been openly airing the evidence and probably a trial (I haven't been following this since the first few weeks so I don't want to make assumptions about the evidence like I did then (which was pretty much taking all accounts about Mike's killing that

I don't agree. I think they're just idiots. Because even if that was their goal, I could have told them a number of ways to go about it and still look reasonable and in the right.

I wouldn't have their composure. And I've lived most likely a much more Privileged life. I have nothing but respect for them. Just their continuing calls for peace. It just blows me away. Because if my kid was killed I'd be lighting molotovs in the streets (I assume, as I don't have any).

I would point out that many protesters have been doing things like turning people attempting to be violent over to the police. So while I get where you're coming from, to me at leas, it seems unfair to lump the rioters with the protesters.

I do have to say. That throughout this whole ordeal Mike Brown's parents have continually impressed me. There is just something to be said about enduring your loss (which must be a horrible thing to endure) while still wanting peace.