
True. Rush hour allready sucks, why make it worse. :P

That's not a racist (and/or bigoted) statement at all.

To be fair to his lawyers, even if it had been a rich white kid from a good family that got shot the chances of an officer facing charges (much less being found guilty) is pretty unlikely (also assuming that the family had limited political connections).

Have you looked at the demographics in the US? Race wars wouldn't change shit.

In general no. The NG generally has similar rules to the federal military and the US has grants no right to object to deployment.

Just looked up MO's demographics so assuming it is for the whole state blacks are over represented on it and every other group is under represented. Kind of surprised as I thought MO was more diverse.

You would think if they knew it would piss people off that they would have done it during the day though.

So who's idea was it to wait until so late in the evening to announce the verdict. My opinion is pretty meh about it (I hope they made the right choice but want to here what people more in the know have to say and to see more of the evidence that I haven't seen). But if I was someone who was angry enough to have put

In other news Miss Midler wants all of these kids to stay off of her yard.

Here I actually was hoping that he had some thought provoking research or some shit.

That would be transphobic not racist. Also there generally speaking either only allowed to use the one for the gender that they were assigned or are only allowed to use the one matching their gender.

So are we suppose to feel bad for her about people in a men's locker room not feeling comfortable with her in there while they're naked? I mean the sexual harassment she had to put up with was bull shit. But I know I wouldn't want someone I didn't know of the opposite gender milling about the showers while I was

You would at least assume that he wouldn't have payed a few of them off a couple of years back.

Ah. Thanks for explaining that to me. Good points.

I know at least where I'm from a lot of restaurants won't serve you on a bike. Something about safety (which given some of the damage I've seen to the sides of stores from bad driving seems somewhat legit (I guess)).

I have to disagree with your time frame as I'm pretty sure most western societies have held that view for quite a bit longer (though that is a good point that in hunting and gathering societies women did indeed provide a good deal of the food (how seems to vary from one group to another (i.e. some it seems limited to

Well that depends on how you look at it (morality). Philosophy bats for both sides of that argument (depending on the philosopher) though some of the social sciences definitely take the view that morality (in general) is a necessary part of any society (human or not). Or to be more specific social animals naturally

Right now? Maybe it's the cynic in me or the fact that I'm relatively young. But to me it seems like politicians have almost always pandered towards lobbying groups and other such influences (or towards their own interests) rather than the will of their constituents. Not that those things don't sometimes line up (to

So paparazzi don't give people there space. It sucks and all, but it isn't really a ground breaking revelation.

Well I hope you do. I would be very interested in reading about that.