
If they still allow abortion if the life of the mother is endangered I would say that it's to the pro-lifers/anti-choicer's more of a quality of life issue for the mothers vs a life at all for the fetus/zygote/larval human thingy having a life. Though good on Spain for retracting the law.

I would argue that rape being "natural" (as in occuring in our nature and in other animals) doesn't mean the same as that it's ok (which is what many people seem to take from the statement that something is natural). I'm not an evo psychologist or even a psychologist so I'm not about to say I understand the field. But

For a long time though you could say the same about say quantum physics, where the only proof was that a mathematical model seemed to back it up. I mean I get the problem with calling something unverifiable a science to a point (my problems with say poly sci, psych in general, and sociology) but to an extent any study

Isn't that the case with psych and most other sciences though? That they assume that one field has to be what causes things? I guess hard sciences have more of a basis with that though (being that chem affects bio and physics affect chem and so on).

Really? I always thought evolutionary psychology attempted to explain commonalities through out cultures (or more accurately the psychology of inhabitants in those cultures). I.E. Men tend to hold power, fear of the dark, ect. I didn't think it (as a field of study) expressed what ought to be (though obviously that

? Wouldn't dietary needs fall more into biology? I think a joke just sailed over my head.

Whats with all of the hatred of Evo Psych here (as in Jezebel not just this comment section)? Is it about the people who study the field (as with this article on economists) or the field itself?

It's a social science like poly sci, sociology, or psychology. But it is in general still considered a science (as in you tend to get a BS for studying it and it gets published in periodicals along with other sciences).

Are you saying that there are white Latinos? There are (though I'm use to people here just referring to them as brown) but to be fair as to whether they would make up the largest group of people crossing the border, Mexicans are mostly mestizo (though I don't know the demographics of the countries that other border

Wouldn't anger issues and impulse control issues count as mental illness? I'm not a psychologist by any means so I may be using the term to broadly (though to be fair it seems everyone except mental health professionals tends to) but I was under the assumption that a mental illness is simply a non-developmental mental

Quite possibly. My knowledge on it was just looking at his Wikipedia page. It mostly lists things that someone is accused of and if they were found guilty. Not necessarily whether the claims were valid.

His enforcement of some laws have basically focused on "you look Hispanic" (i.e. mestizo). As in he (if I'm thinking of the right guy) chose to have his people enforce traffic stops and noise regulations (like at clubs) largely on those folks (allegedly (I'm not from that area so I'm not sure how accurate those

He has been sued or investigated (or had his underlings) quite a bit for illegal activities (in addition to the immigration stuff it's included things like entrapment and holding people without trial (as in he kept someone in jail for years without them getting a trial). Unfortunately his ass keeps getting elected and

True. But it isn't uncommon (or necessarily incorrect in all cases) to assume someone who would react that extremely to some one politely asking them to stop may have a few loose screws upstairs. Violent criminals I would assume make up a smaller group than victims of violence.

" 4Core (4 Thread)"

I would have said Leave it to Beaver.

I just like the taste and viscosity of diet drinks more. Plus with free refills I know that I'll fill the cup up a bunch which is tougher to remember that that I ate a cheese burger and fries.

I mean I've met people with a persecution complex but it seems a little out there to imply that an entire (or most of a group) like to be victims instead of that they actually feel like victims.

Well, Roman Polanski is a rapist but the movie "The Pianist" was still a nicely done film.

Wait people actually believe that? I always just thought it was a joke or trolling.