
Hey. You would also assume the an omnipotent benevolent deity could also prevent suffering and all that. So ya know. Maybe he's just lazy (God that is).

According to the article she didn't even kill him. Some unidentified 3rd party did. And she apparently tried to call an ambulance to get him help after she got away.

eta: Wrong person. Sorry.

Pretty sure N. Korea's camps are more along the lines of concentration camps or the Soviet style re-education camps. Not death camps.

So does the case have much to stand on? I could see suing the hospital but Shivers legally obtained the photo so I'm failing to see where he broke the law.

Doesn't seem wrong to me. Some kids are shy and their isn't anything wrong with respecting that. Heck it doesn't even seem rude to me.

There's a little more than just that. Some other writers (which I assume he pulled much of this from) point out that she was more than a little nuts and was less well versed than other women of her status. Considering who her father was that isn't really that surprising. Dude was a decent writer but was pretty nuts

I don't know. People are selfish (and often childish to be fair). So it makes sense that people in power would want to keep as much as possible in general. At least while having it either costs nothing or nothing more that what they are raised to think they must pay regardless of their power.

" ones that aren't publicly traded and whose equity holders all agree on the same shared set of religious beliefs." Well that would make some God Damned sense. For purposes of the ruling it would be nice to know how a company was determined to have what beliefs (i.e. does the CEO dictate them? The president of the

He's waiting to play some Angry Birds, nice delicious Angry Birds.

I'm still unhappy with the fact that Ant man isn't Ultron's creator. But at least it looks like a decent film. And I like the fact that Ultron seems to have more personality than he does in the comics.

Well at least they grow good oranges. And um... Fishing?


Think your reading a bit into it. Her video wasn't on how to stop rape or punish rapists. It was just on how prevalent drugging was. And while I get the impression she didn't do much research (as she doesn't state any other kind of drug that is slipped into drinks), she doesn't seem to be accusing victims of being

Or she's an idiot who should have looked at a broader set of facts before doing a video. You know the kind who thinks that's the only drug that people slip in drinks.

Funny considering Clinton signed the initial law that the ruling was based on.

But it isn't half the population. Women are less than a quarter of the military. And I'm sure that they could just switch the guards.

I thought her mother's country was based on Spain. Wouldn't that make her that fantasy world's equivalent of Spanish? Or is her kingdom a fictional one set in the real world?

A lot of people feel that their view is. Or that their opinion should be hear. Not necessarily how the OP feels but this is effectively how opinions compete for a businesses (or industries) consideration.

Those were just meant of examples of things that people might actually get angry enough to write advertisers over. A more level example would be the way some people wrote Mozilla's partners over who the last CEO was. Despite the number of LGBT employees at Mozilla who claimed that they trusted him to be fair to them