
Except women not having decent representation hasn't harmed the industry in a profit sense (in the easy to interpret stats that most companies look at and show investors). Gross wise games are doing great on the same demographics targeting that has been the norm since the 80's. And while women make up roughly 46% of

And what do you think provides the capital for those salaries? And even if it only affected the higher ups do you think they wouldn't dictate what gets published in a way that best supports them?

Probably the same as people who attack say Fox News (as an extreme). Or folks who don't like something a network they like runs (as a less extreme example). You say that he's a pretty common commentor so assumably other than the gamergate thing he is a fan of Kotaku. So one would assume that he hopes the pressure from

No more so than for instance the folks who wrote Mozilla's partners over there last CEO. And hell that guy really hadn't done anything in a professional capacity to offend most folks (heck even some of the LGBT people at Mozilla said they trusted him). It's just how the market works. If you are unhappy (very unhappy

For the longest time I assumed it had to do with them. Then I realized that I was adding an s to the whole issue.

Funny and all. But your forgetting the part where he was publicly accused and multiple people put their own reputations out there to say he did it to them. Now I don't mean to imply that false claims don't happen, and Cosby is a pretty big target I would assume. But he's also smart enough to know that he could

I haven't ever watched anything with this guy in it. But now I think I really need to (if nothing else his stand up sounds better than the show I went to where Cosby put me to sleep).

A lot have actual police. But to my knowledge they usually use the municipalities cells for holding and often can't investigate and make in that large of an area (their jurisdiction ends generally around the edge of campus in my experience).

True. But I assume their jurisdiction is a bit more restricting than the cities police force.

It doesn't give a date for usage but apparently it's also been a common corruption in English for the french beau for a while. Though it's considered dated with those roots.

Wait. Coco sounds less hood than Colandrea? I already wanted to see this movie but I really have to see why that is so within the movies story.

She implied that she was explaining the pro-life stance and views in general. It's not surprising that she didn't reiterate it in every post. Though I only read down to where I replied so I could be underestimating a bit.

? I'm confused. Can't you re-download all of them by doing a rights transfer to the new system? Regardless though, yeah the rights management sucks, really wish Nintendo would lock them to an account and not by system.


I am saying calm down and don't be hysterical (more or less). Being passionate about something doesn't mean that your language and tone aren't caustic to actually having a discussion. For example listen to anything people on Fox News says (well not anything but there pundits tend to be this way) they are passionate

I was happy that they created her for the show. I feel that she allows the show to focus on unknown elements other than the same old mob bosses and corrupt cops. And Jada does a great job portraying a powerful and terrifying villain while still keeping a certain kind of allure and mystery that makes Fish such an

Bit confused on what you mean. I sat through some anti-choice picture (extra credit for doing a write up for it for a poly-sci class) and they had a woman come in who had an abortion and some testimonials. It was interesting in all (the protest outside at least made it somewhat interesting (gave it a whole hated

I think some religious groups (past and present) were pretty against the removal of organs. And that's often (to some degree) the argument (with christian ones it seems to focus more on if god wants you to be well you will be (to be quite reductive of their beliefs)).

Some do. At least most of the pro-lifers I know. Actually as long as the discussion focuses on social welfare and not abortion I know a number of pro-choicer and pro-lifers who agree on pretty much every other issue.

The point is to shock and make a memorable impression (usually by generalization). The same as any form of propaganda. A bloody close hanger would be a good pro-choice comparison (as close hangers weren't all that common a go to, from my readings at least (often other potentially fatal things like poisons and such