
Um. She said that she is pro-choice. But I guess that was hard to see from your soap box.

Well. I can hang a swastika or talk about groups of people with horribly offensive language. Quite a few other developed countries have hate speech laws.

So miscarriages are all illegal? Do they think that they just didn't pray enough? Or is it only if they did something illegal that caused it?

I always preferred if they weighed the same as a duck.

And your love of Kanye and his ego says a large amount about you son. You've got a little bit of Kanye on your chin by the way.

I did not know that until someonje told me in response o my post. Plus I don't generally bet on human decency. It's a good way to get let down.

That's the kind of intellectual response I would expect from someone who would freely associate themselves with Kanye West. *slow claps*

I assumed the whore part was because she took money for performing sex. Though they don't seem to hold dick sucking in high regard either (which is ,as others have pointed out, funny since one can assume that they like getting blow-jobs).

Wish I could help with that question. I'm still stuck on why some expect head but won't return the favor.

I don't think we know enough about this judge to know whether he's a hard ass to everyone or just to women. But regardless he seems like an ass (especially with his comments).

Neah. It's circled up through my neck again now. :P

I agree that she shouldn't be scolded. And didn't initially realize that they changed dates. I (wrongly) assumed that they were pretty much set in stone. And nope, not a lawyer (I would hope I would be less ignorant of these things if I was).

So because I'm a dick I should feel horrible? I would generally assume being a dick would preclude me from feeling horrible about things done to strangers.

I didn't realize that was common (rescheduling) at the time of my op. Thanks for the info.

Great piece. Very nice comparison to the end between theoretical views and reality.

I meant a women shooting someone of her race. I don't know how race intersects for women who commit violent crimes vs white men (the one or two stats I looked at dealing with women as perpetrators looked at all women vs all men and not specifically women of Color vs White men or Women (and obviously not specific

Actually the law tends to be ok with women killing (as long as the victim/ shot person) is of color. Women tend to get more lenient sentencing for violent crimes. Not that double standards and such don't exist (your rape example, and of course many times when a poc needs to defend themselves being obvious examples).

Would have been nice if they realized all of this when the law was passed. And you know maybe not have passed it. You could already use lethal force if you couldn't escape a situation (heck even if you feared that you couldn't), and I'm pretty sure SC was a state where you could shoot an intruder. So what did passing

How is this stacking up compared to Coven? I lost interest part way through that one.

I'm pretty sure you can find quite a few places with worse records (though to be fair most countries are older). I had no idea that judges routinely allow date changes. Thanks for the info.