
Ah. I thought you meant nothing as in possessions and money.

I didn't say your experience was unique. I meant I hadn't heard those things about my area is all.

What makes you say that? I assume it's based on things like income vs cost and crime rate and school rankings. Arguably more homogeneous areas tend to rank higher in all those (mostly because of things like inherited wealth and other benefits). For the majority of the populace living in a diverse area simply isn't a

Sorry. I probably wasn't clear enough.

See I'm from an area like Union town. And I never saw or heard of those things happening here. Doesn't mean that it didn't happen of course but none of the non-white people I was friendly with or friends with ever mentioned it. Not that I didn't hear people make stupid racist jokes and comments. They just generally

A lot of white folks started from nothing. Being poor and coming over here to servitude or just broke. But they and their families had the benefit of being able to blend in. And weren't held back individually as much through laws aimed at specifically keeping them poor. They also had some ability to organize where as

Is that high or low?

It alienates people to call them racist (usually, I've known a few folks who admit to it but they're generally especially racist). They still have friends and family their I would assume and since this is becoming a national story it could harm their chances of employment and starting a new life elsewhere (that isn't

They do. But they are less likely to be sizably harmed by being around an non-diverse white neighborhood.

Why the dislike? I recognize her name and think she did something I didn't like. But for the life of me I can't remember what.

It varies by state. That just means they can consent to sex. Most states further limit the age of the partner. In PA the partner can't be 4 or more years older.

MFA? I assume you don't mean Master of Fine Arts.

I'm pretty sure a 22 year old and a 16 year old would be statutory rape in PA. Though I don't know when this took place so I suppose the law might have allowed for a larger difference but the last time I checked it was a 4 year difference.

To defend the choices. Slowing the combat allows time to react. Something that an actual experienced combatant would be able to do but a person with a controller may not. In addition realistic combat with multiple people (assuming that we tract the weapons movement (the arc) instead of simply saying a hit box moves

Unless the game adjusted based on how much the character can sidestep vs the range of the attack. So a small step for a man sized thing swinging a sword vs a lunge out of the way for giant demon A's club swing. It would undoubtedly be harder to do and have some semblance of reality vs effectiveness (i.e. you wouldn't

In all fairness he also states reasons why it's popular to use. Much like you could attack COD (and many modern FPSs) for using recharging health (or baring that health pick ups) which while unrealistic means after one shot the player isn't mostly useless and bleeding out in a corner.

The bottom gif arguably shows a partially decent execution. With a kick to an opponent who is unarmed. While being low still puts you in a position to be kicked, people generally don't expect to be hit by someone dropping to the floor. Arguably in that gif the problems are that he rolls again and turns his back (both

Look folks. A troll in it's natural habitat.