
Question. Does GS have a lot of science related badges? I know the BS has quite a few but sadly am not as aware of GS's badge programs.

All good points. Though there is something to be said that the NFL's lines match up with some medical entities recommendations (they of course would also benefit financially from treatment and testing versus an efficient and cheap cure).

Your right of course. A legitimate fear for ones safety could be a legitimate reason to use force. But that doesn't usually remove the charge. it usually just means you may escape sentencing. Trayvon Martin's killer for instance (regardless of the imperfections of the case and the prosecutions ineptness) is an example

Food justice advocate? What's that?

I would say given the few thousand years of history that we have that rape like war and murder seem to be very much in line with human nature. Of course so to is challenging said nature.

I see your point. But I would also point out that many people panic and grab at straws to prove that they aren't discriminating. So while your right (that could be 8 bad terminations or 3 dudes to make it seem like the 5 women weren't selected for sexist reasons, ect) it is par the course for people who are bigots and

I don't know. Second degree murder seems much more appropriate a charge for the murder. To my knowledge the murder wasn't premeditated which should have disallowed a first degree charge. Anyone have any info I might have missed on the trial or on Florida's laws? because I'm not getting how murder 1 is appropriate for

I'm sorry to hear that he was being bullied. It sucks and I don't doubt that said bullies probably got physical at some point or another with him in different incidents. But assault (and most charges) are designed with adults in mind. Where you can leave the situation if you choose (to a point). So if in this

Historical accuracy in a movie based on the Bible?

I don't know. Marketing accounts for a lot. And good marketing can help sell otherwise disgusting or sub-par products. Example, McDonald's or Marlboro.

Hey, don't imply that this very important group of voters doesn't matter. :P

I agree with you. But if they had gotten what they paid for that wouldn't have been an issue. Also maybe most of their support network is cool with their kid but the rest of the community isn't. And as lesbians it might not be as easy for them to find people who are supporting of their child and their romance in a new

I think she should be grateful that she has a healthy child. Though I also think that she has a right to sue for a host of things such as breach of contract and faulty services.

Well that's also the only place her and her SO have any kind of support network, jobs, and likely a home. So regardless of what the community is like, if it barely effects you there isn't much of a reason to leave.

You generally provide why something caused you emotional distress and why the option you had selected wouldn't have. I.E. A white child wouldn't have to deal with that in her family or town but a bi-racial child does. So she elected for sperm from a white guy which she was told she would get and then didn't but didn't

In all fairness most of his more recent notable speechs have been about how the government fails to live up to what it is suppose to be and such (at least in the 616 universe).

I want my training to be Wonder Woman's husband shirt.

It's why I don't get incels (or whatever they call themselves). It's not that hard to get laid.

So adults are using their money to have seminars that they are interested in. And students who don't want to don't have to go? I fail to see why the outrage.

I was just going to say that I probably would have used this more than the class on Music History I took to fulfill my humanities requirement.