
I don't know. Until recently, has Coolio done anything thugish? I mean he's a decent musician and such. But I'm not seeing much in his history as far as violent crimes (until some recent events).

What's this?

Sorry if my posts come off as dismissive or anything by the way (I've been told I have a problem with that). Not trying to be.

Because legally in some areas tran-women aren't considered women. Which is stupid. But that is why.

Use to be illegal in quite a few places in the US I think. I think the UCMJ still has it as a law (was when I got out at least).

See. The only swingers I know (who I know swing (and well they're not together anymore but any ways)) the dude was bi. Though other than being anti-gay hit most of the other things you mentioned.

They probably won't. I mean I hope she wins and all. But realistically I would assume that the laws that apply for this probably have short statutes (and even if they can be tried criminally the chance of conviction I would assume is slim). The best that realistically can be hoped for is that she wins her lawsuit and

I don't know. Inmate raped by another inmate that the guards had reason to believe planned to violate her. Sounds like it's both a prison rape and a trans rights issue to me.

That's bad ass. Though is long hair a problem in 0G? Why wouldn't most Cosmonauts buzz it or keep it really short?

Hey. I go up and ask how the POC is doing than you very much. :P

Well if your going to cry and pout I suppose it's better to do it while winning. :P That is something I never knew about them though (not a huge football fan).

I've heard the same joke about the red skins. Seems no one likes D.C.

Hell. You can find people who are members of hate groups who still have friends of the groups they hate. If that can happen I really don't think the converse is so unlikely that people should be unable to look at themselves and their beliefs critically.

Is Ello open to those not in the LGBT community? If it's friendlier and less Facebooky I think it might be something I would like to be involved in.

While this is awesome. I'm wondering how likely these are to actually stand up in court. I'm kind of bummed that we'll have to wait for the appeals to be done to see how this stands up.

Her racist beliefs aren't my biggest problem with her. Her racist treatment of her employees on the other hand... No way is it cool for her to treat people like that, especially not ones that she has that much power over.

I really generally am not a huge fan of rap. But this girl is amazing.

Deadly force (in the terms that the laws tends to use for escalation of force) is usually a bit more specific than that. The ur example for police would be using their side arms. The tasering would defiantly be excessive force since she was already subdued.

Fair enough. I mean I get that a pregnant woman is less of a threat than the same woman would be if not pregnant. But that hardly means that she isn't a threat.

Not really seeing it, no. I mean balance I assume would be effected. But even at worst she would still effectively be as much of a risk as say a drunk person. So I'm still not seeing it. Sorry.