
Major props for the introspection. A lot of people (myself at times included) can't manage it.

Can it just be a version of Duck Hunt? Nintendo hasn't released it for a newer console and I have a craving to miss ducks and get laughed at by a dog.

"vulvadoodles". I love it.

Quite a few people. Who here doesn't wish one of the wolves Palin shot wasn't dead and had mauled her.

Couple Ever-clear and diet ginger-ales in my self and I don't know who I should be more pissed at for their views (I would say the hacking in and of itself is a crime regardless). But in general I don't like public shaming, which both sides are doing.

I disagree in this regard. Though in general I would agree that police should be held to a higher standard (one that this precinct seems to have a problem passing given the previous accusations against them and the tasering a subdued pregnant woman). But it seems to much to ask that they don't take someone to the

Well put. But I'm not sure that police have the same legal obligations as educators when it comes to subduing people. Do you have any links to laws in New York that would relegate that specifically (I honestly haven't seen or heard of any laws for police that relegate pregnant women to different methods). Also I would

At most of the ones I went to they had a beer pong table set up. Though I suppose that might be unusual.

Only after you have that high horse put down.

No it isn't.

I disagree that it was unnecessary (the subduing not the tasering). But well said.

A lot of people do. Out of the movements I listed mostly just the Nazi's I would think.

She's still capable of pulling a knife or taking a swing just as much as a healthy non-pregnant person can.

Ther's a federal one. Violence against inocent victims act. But that would only apply in assault or other unlawful violence (which the taser probably would be but the subduing her probably isn't).

That's a fair point. I meant the foxweekly news site that released it first. Which apparently was on the same server. Easier just to leek it to a bunch of blogs.

Really? I haven't seen any. Any links or such to prove this?

Hey we do need more women in the police force. And I'm not making any bones about the tasering being bull. But just because she's pregnant doesn't mean she gets special treatment while breaking the law. Her fetuses safety is her concern and her responsibility (assuming no unprovoked attack or excessive force (which I

That's how all movements work. It's how feminism, abolitionism, the founding of this country (as a separate entity from England), Nazism, ect. Someone's brave enough to say something unpopular (or some such) and others through their hats in with them.

It's pretty elaborate even for them. They would have had to set up a fake news site a fake company and then the hoax page. It would have been easier to just skip the news site and announce it on a forum like this one and then have just made up a name for the group.

She interfered with an arrest and then tried to resist either being moved or cuffed. So I would say it's more of what kind of pregnant woman thinks it's smart to obstruct an arrest (even one where undo force is being used) and then struggles resist being removed or arrest. Can't really defend the tasering though.