
And she should be able to handle her son getting arrested without interfering with police. And when they start trying to cuff her (as it appeared they were) she should be able to resist the urge to struggle and pull away. Which is the point when the cop subdues her on the ground and cuffs her. I'm not seeing the tazer

I see her struggling to resist arrest and being subdued because of it in the video. And while I can't make out clearly what's happening the police report says something along the lines of her obstructing the arrest (you see her getting close to the police in the video but you can't see what is happening all that well

Groot. A whole lot a log.

I don't know. While I would say the male members of the frat ruin it for themselves most of the time. Assuming that woman actually danced through the window sounds like she ruined it for the MIT frat (also assuming that was the only reason for the crack down).

Hey. I showed up to play beer pong and drink with friends on the cheap (probably why I stopped going to them once I moved off campus and could drink at my place).

I don't think Leo understands what the word rhetoric means.

Turns out 4-chan was write. Some group called Rantic Marketing was hired to do it (according to the redirect from They apparently want the internet to be censored (again according to their own statement).


Hey. Fox News. I'm an angry man. And Mark isn't a woman (I don't think). Can we still get our burgers. Can we have Rush's burgers? I think he's had more than his fair share.

Well it shouldn't be up until after the election. So there is a chance that some of the less extreme members of the GOP will support it for two reasons. They have supported abortion for rape victims (as a platform at least (and granted to the exclusionn of women who aren't rape victims)). And some of them seemed to be

I assume though the new logo is suppose to look like crossed sabers and bring to mind pirates.

In general these are fair points. And as a generalization they most definitely have merit. But we're talking about one persons view of these things and not the way he should have assumed every one would have viewed it.

Maybe they hold her in high esteem and happen to masturbate to her photo?

Probably. Honestly with a folder full of the pics and an understanding of AJAX (or whatever Asynch Gawker uses) and how to interact with a browser or write code to interact with a server as if it's a browser it wouldn't be to hard to write code to automate posting.

I don't know about on the internet but historically there have been a few actual false flag operations.

They were actually based off Greek and Roman art. And arguably since Schumacher is gay I would assume it's more likely he choose those designs for his own jollies (which doesn't seem to be the case).

That's more of a fault with the characters design however not his positioning choice. If he redesigned her she wouldn't match up to her look inside (though admittedly it is common in some comics). You are right though she should be well muscled like some of the designs for Fairchild from Gen 13.

Wasn't the tank owned by the county and not the towny police?

Oh. Ur right. I didn't even realize Miss USA and Miss America were 2 different pageants.

See. I didn't even know about those things. All I got from my (limited) following was she at one time used the word nigger. The racist treatment and such makes it so much clearer why people revile her.