
So are they forcing the one sorority on campus (according to their FAQs they only have one) to accept men as well? Or would it not qualify since it doesn't have a house on campus (I would assume that means that it isn't considered "residential" but I didn't know if that might simply mean operating on campus).

All very true and well put.

Ah. So she doesn't care what their platforms or anything. Just that they're women. <Sarcasm> Wow that's not sexist at all. </Sarcasm> Well she just guaranteed I'll vote for anyone but her.

It's happened to me. Granted I was really drunk (like walking around my house naked and dancing while guests were there) which can disturb sleeping patterns. But totally woke up to my fiancé going "if you don't want to have a kid pull out and put a condom on".

Definitely. But Notch did make it seem like he was pulling support from oculus because of morals. And it is hypocritical to claim concerns over anti-consumer behavior (I think is what he took issue with) to sell to a company that has lost multiple anti-trust cases.

They do have a product out. It may not be the final version that they want to release but you can still buy it (or could). Ergo it's a product.

I don't think so. Do you think about people of a gender that you aren't attracted to having sex? I know I don't since the thought doesn't really interest me (in a "not my thing" kind of way). It was meant as snarky humor and not condemnation btw.

Apparently he's a previous victim of something similar. Maybe he's just bitter. As far as a positions on reproductive rights, he's probably attempting to avoid alienating voters.

Ah. So he's been in this position before. Kind of a different light I suppose. Still not very compassionate.

Thought it came off a 3rd party server (such as one of Apples) so they weren't really on their own property. Doesn't really make a big difference for whether or not the victims were wronged or not though.

It's Clay Aiken. He probably doesn't like to think about woman breeding at all.

And anyone who doesn't sanitize their database inputs deserves to have a drop table command sent in by someone.

So by his standards. Any pictures he took with a boyfriend while in the closet should have been hacked and distributed.

"How To Get Away With Murder is a white man, Peter Nowalk."

Care to explain why an adult attacking a child is better than attacking a girl friend?

While I agree that she isn't any better than Rice. I still don't think that an employer should fire you for what you do off the clock. Much like Rice she should be in jail and they should fire them for not showing up to games and practices.

Very interesting piece.

Smile. :P

It is evidence. But it's just one persons word against another without another witness.

I'm doubting that section 4 is going to stand up to scrutiny. The horn part isn't a problem but legislating shouting doesn't seem constitutional. Other than the expression it's a bit broad. Though the horn part is probably fine (I forget why but a number of area's effectively treat it as an emergency signal type of