
? What this from?

Leviathan from supernatural?

Kind of sad that the "Travolta's gay" is the headline for many people then (not this one per se but in general). When it should be more "Travolta, serial sexual assailant" or "Travolta did he molest people or not".

Fair enough.

Fair point. Well assuming that they are accurate about god. But that goes into the whole how can a omnibenevolent entity harm people or instruct others to harm people thing (which if it is omnibenevelent it shouldn't be able to) which just seems like a wasted discussion with way to many really religious folks.

If you mentioned lesbians you would have had to explain that technically a lesbian is very unlikely to want them involved. In the USMC that was surprisingly hard to explain. I was always like "you mean you love bi chicks" and they were like no lesbians because there are two of them" And back and forth about bi-curious

He assaulted people?

I felt good about him until you reminded me about that movie. I want Scifi Chanel to pay me for watching it. I think the UN recognizes forcing people to watch it as torture.

Even if he isn't actually a misogynistic asshole. Isn't he basically saying that the best thing about him is his bank account? I mean hell. If it is why not lie. Or post a fake pic (which his bank account could be, though I would hope if he was going to lie he could be more persuasive). Or some poetry. I mean is his

I don't know that this is the worst (in a moral sense at least). Just really vapid.

Oh definately. The bizarre thing to me is that other than hurting this one guy, they accomplished nothing. They did something that will hurt themselves (since it's pretty likely they will get charged if anyone can ID them) and they make homosexuals seem more sympathetic. Hell, even Pat Robertson would probably have a

Eh side note (totally off the articles topic). With the "hippies" I know (like actual born in the 60's flower child hippies) what annoys me is that they all seem to be working in the system that they hate. Or as I would put it "Old hippies don't die, they just sell out". But I'm still not going to toss gas in their

Eh. I get that people suck. It's just they tend to be evil in a self beneficial way. Unless these guys are idiots (which they may be) it seems pretty logical that that may face prosecution. So they harmed one person horribly so that they can sit in jail for a while (basically). I mean heck. I really hate people who

I understand what your saying. I suppose the lack of any benefit or personal grudge just seems alien to me (not that I'm not sure that their is something I would get irrationally angry about) just that their response doesn't even benefit them.

I never understood why a straight man would have that much anger towards a gay man (aside from possible previous experiences which don't seem to be a norm for homophobes). I mean he wasn't doing anything to threaten them. Arguably since he didn't sleep with women he was helping them (in that that's less competition).

So elect new folks for like 90% of congress? I guess they couldn't do much worse even if we just randomly picked from a pool of people who just aren't members of congress.

Wait. What's the green party then? The irresponsible dude who also always brings bud to the party?

So public lewdness isn't a felony in CA. I always assumed comparable laws were since they can land you on Sex Offender lists in quite a few states.

Can you link to an example where California law say you can't hold someone for refusing to cooperate with an investigation?