
Well the team who made it now work for Nintendo (they bought the studio from Namco).

Wonder if we could get it for the WiiU

An example of a Sham marriage is irrelevant to an article about a sham marriage?

It's cool because LOL, journalism. Obviously.

I fail to see how it's the NFLs job to punish players for what they do off the clock if it doesn't effect their ability to participate in practices and games. Not that the NFL doesn't seem to love to punish it's players for nearly every other reason mind you. I just don't see how they are responsible for what

Oh cool. So because it criticized the images it linking to them is totally different than a message board doing it.

It's Fox News. People shouldn't hit each other is about the best it can hope for.

Nope. I totally confused B.C. with T.H..

They married for financial gain. Pure and simple. I'm not a big rugby fan but I would imagine those tickets are worth quite a bit.

I just saw the duck hunt dog. Can we now get some port/ love on Wii U?

Ok. That is a great gif. But now I have 2 questions. What did I say that was funny and what is that from? Make that 3 is the middle guy a young Lance Reddick?

I'm a bit drunk. Can you clarify what I said that was laughable? Totally serious by the way (and quite tipsy).

I do. and His bigger on the inside boxers.

Good on you for realizing that (many heterosexual folks possibly including me don't). Have to say that I didn't see it coming. Though I didn't read past the 4th book either. From what I saw of her writing though a lot of it seems to be set up to allow plot twists and turns (like the show "Lost" seemingly having had

Props on the comment and the html style tagging.

Why? I mean I assume it wasn't her initial thought to write him as any sexuality (as it really barely pertained to most of the plot). What I mean. From what I read and saw is that she wrote an interesting character who happened to be gay but was defined by his sexuality.

Gotta say. I can kinda see where they are coming from with their distaste for Rowling's views on Scotland staying part of the UK. I don't know all of her view but I know some Scotts want to seperate. I mean it's stupid. Scotland to my knowledge has little in the way of a sustainable economy on it's own. But much like

"Yes, clearly anyone having kids is doing so by choice. " No but most are chosing to have sex. You don't want kids? Don't. BC meds and Condoms fail. In some states it's unfairly hard to get an abortion. I say this as someone who is damn lucky that I didn't since I didn't always take precautions, and have had a number

I can't see. Is his dick out? If not how is this an arrest worthy offense? How can an object be "venerated" if the state and church are separate. Someone get FIRE and the ACLU on this. *goes back to drawing (poorly done) pictures of Mohamed, Jesus, and Abraham all involved in a circle jerk.

Agree with the first part.