
Totally agree. My contention was with the statement "Please, tell me again how many of those restrictions were because the parties involved were heterosexual" which upon rereading means something different than what I took away from it the first time (I took it to be a statement that heterosexuality mattered in those

Side note. Probably should have mentioned earlier (srry I'm a bit drunk). I'm not saying SSM shouldn't be a sensitive topic. To use a more common example that I've seen (not many open LGBTQ folks in my area) while folks like to shit on McD's I know folks who worked hard to get their position there and would be

Sorry. I'm drunk and used to KickStarter's whole "you can't fund your life" (i.e. no pay for my apartment KS).

To be fair. With the tech and medicine in that world a scratch could have resulted in a deadly infection regardless.

So stupid question time. How do you record video like the first one? I know you can ship the 3DS to a Japanese company to get video out. But I thought that only gave the main screens video and not the lower touch screen.

Not that I don't believe that they got it (they probably did). But how about producing the evidence? Also why did the NFL get what I assume was special treatment, in that they were given the evidence in the first place. I'm so sick of that sham of a "Non-Profit" getting special treatment I would rather drone the fuck

Right. B.C.= Sherlock not Loki. They all look alike to me. :P In all seriousness I'm pretty drunk.

Side note: Jews only have the benefit of whiteness if they look white (usually Sephardic Jews). If they look Middle-Eastern or are Ethiopian Jews (who are all still Jews) they still get the shit end of the stick.

You realize that people can be predominately liberal and still have other views that are conservative, right? I mean I could want to fund welfare, avoid war, advance green industry, and still not want my daughter to be a scientist or date a black man (or woman).

Oh I didn't mean to imply sacred in the sense of religious. It's just your implying that sham marriages are fine and dandy as long as they aren't SSM marriages. Which would be affording a special view towards SSM marriages.

Arguably anti-abortion is a political movement where as an individual abortion is a personal one. I'm drunk and probably missed something but can you fund pro-abortion campaigns with Go Fund Me and just not individual ones or are they deeming one political stance acceptable and another not?

You definitely have some points about my privilege (arguably I'm Questioning or do you just assume all people who date women are straight?). But treating SSM marriage as sacred is not giving equal rights. It's treating SSM as more important. And no. Straight marriage has had it's prejudices. From you can't marry

I'm confused by my feelings for B.C.. Seriously dude needs to run for governor of my state so I can vote for him. And he needs to do it as Loki (who is still less evil than Corrbit).

Those look like middle-school art projects. Preteens every where are rejoicing.

Nope. Aren't simple responses fun.

See my other reply. Your making marriage out to have sanctity. It doesn't. Regardless of who gets married. It's legally binding your taxes and estates. Some people want to make it out to be about more? They're ignoring a couple thousand years of recorded history. That's just as much ignoring the past as it would be

So why do you get to tell these two that they can't get married for rugby tickets but a man and a woman can? Do you want LGBT folks to be treated like straight folks or not?

In 1992 "No means no" was still a pretty newish thing I though (I could be wrong since I was 5 at the time). But know most men were not rapists and he was.

He also bit off a man's ear in front of an audience. Doesn't seem like he's going to do that again. People change. Whether or not they can pay a debt to the victim (which the justice system arguably isn't set up to do) is different from whether or not they can pay back society (which arguably it is).

Or suffer by not getting the extra benefits the US military offer married folks. I say this as someone who was discussing getting married just to screw the USMC out of money by the way. She was my friend but she didn't have any romantic attachment to me. She just wanted the medical insurance (which was fine by me).