
Fair point I suppose since the drunk person had to drink before they became drunk. It was just the first thing that couldn't be changed immediately and involved transportation that jumped into my head.

Aren't they the same thing? :P

Well. Those hopeful actors and actresses need somewhere to stay.

Very enlightening article.

It doesn't generate all outcomes for chess. It goes through a tree diagram and checks for the most likely to be advantageous (their are to many for it to accurately decide on the best tactics otherwise) withing a few steps (here few being fewer than total possible). If I remember correctly form my AI studies.

Well put.Side note:

My point was there are other reasons than what heart stated.

Well. Double standards and blaming people for attacks one on them is fucked up. But a boss, or an institution do have a right (and sometimes reasons) to specify dress codes.

<sarcasm> You mean dress codes shouldn't be the most important thing to a school?</sarcasm> Couldn't think of working in a way to be sarcastic about the superintendent bullying her students. Since when is it ok for an adult to lash out at a child in their care by calling them names (with few exceptions).

All good points.

I agree that the men (or anyone choosing to take more than their fair share of space) are being inconsiderate dickbags. If they were basing their actions on empathy though, they already would not be taking up more space.

I'm not disagreeing that they're being inconsiderate dick bags. I asked why they should be more considerate. The all in the same boat aspect and golden rule that you stated being the best answers I have seen to why one shouldn't take up more space. Though that doesn't answer why one should not being annoyed that

You mean feeling powerful over others I assume. Which is a valid point. They aren't how ever mutually assured.

And a lack of empathy isn't about power or taking something from someone else. It's having a diminished emotional attachment to other's feelings.

Probably selfish entitlement. Or an argument for it. I don't think I've ever sat like that on public transportation since I don't like touching other people accidentally and taking up more space than I need is a good way to do that.

How is it an oxymoron. I'm not negating one statement with the other. I'm saying force someone to respect your space. The implication that I was going for there (and probably failed to convey) was to request that they give you your fair share of space and if that doesn't work give them the same treatment. I then

I'm not saying that it isn't rude. But if the argument is everyone has the right to no more than a fair and equal amount of space than people who are heavy enough (or for some other reason) take up more than one seat are also violating others space. And those people who are losing their space have just as much of a

I didn't say that anyone wanted to. I said I didn't understand what justified how much space someone should take up. Heck I sit with my legs crossed or together most times I'm in a vehicle and not driving, so believe me I don't want someone rubbing up on me like that either. I was simply trying (and probably doing

Great article.

That really doesn't sound like a reason why I should (hypothetically) care about their discomfort. And what does someone understanding how the weather works have to do with swamp ass? Some people just sweat quite a bit.