
So. Don't let him get away with it? If someone crowds me I ask them politely to skooch over. If that doesn't work I just invade as much of their area as possible.

That last portion brightened up my night. Thanks.

That would be nice. I think his aesthetic would work well with it.

Well. Assuming no one cares about my (hypothetical) discomfort. Why would I (hypothetically) care about causing them any?

God that movie was horrible. The Spirit does not have a fucking healing factor. Goddamn it Frank.

It's an old clichè.

Wouldn't that mean that people who are to big to fit in just one seat are being insensitive as they are taking up more than that seat. Also are actual seats common on public transit? I assumed that benches were the more common thing.

So can the president actually make changes to laws such as adding provisions? I thought for the most part that needed to go through congress.

And the supreme court has said (at least for some corporations and I believe religious organizations)that they aren't required to abide by the law because it violates their rights.

I didn't say it's isolated to men (the hot and uncomfortable part). Or to those who have balls (seriously whats with the focus on balls)?

I didn't say that was something isolated to men did I?

You mean like he has his fly down so air can get all up in there?

It could also be that some people simply feel more relaxed and or comfortable in that position. I know I occasionally do (specifically after a hot day I don't like the heat and sweat feeling between my legs). Not everything is about taking things away from women.

Thank you for that very insightful answer.

See I never got the whole one of the good ones thing. I mean I get it happens (people feel this way) but not why they would make broad generalizations. If you know a few "good ones" it stands to reason that there are probably a lot of other "good" ones. So aren't people depriving themselves the experience of meeting a

"V-pourri" I love this word. It's my new favorite.

Some do (to various degrees) but even there I think private venues are protected. Though fair point, I didn't consider that.

"You cannot either have the giant,"

I know quite a few white racists who have black people they consider to be friends. Just because they can make exceptions to their view(s) doesn't mean that they aren't racist.

"Racism is an ugliness in our society and the only way it will be stamped out is if we continue to confront it and let people continue to practice it without consequence."