
You might just as well plant the drugs if your going to do that. There isn't a law against being racist and or hateful (with the exceptions of employment, and services).

How is it violence? He didn't touch her. She wasn't involved with the act anymore than she would have been if she saw someone taking a leak? Sorry but I just can't see how it was violent. Obscene and lascivious yes. But not violent.

And I would disagree that masturbating while looking at someone is a form of violence. Well unless said masturbator masturbates onto someone. Though I would agree that its definitely lewd and lascivious.

Except the autopsy and the eye witness account conflict on some details.

I don't know. Doing away with statutes seems problematic. Though 10 yrs is awfully short and that backlog of kits is also problematic.

Well. Marijuana can occasionally cause psychotic episodes. Though that doesn't seem very relevant to the shooting (at least from what happened up until then Brown seemed like he was behaving more or less coherently from the friends testimony). Have to say I think any officer involved in a shooting should be piss


Can you drop Anne Coulter at one of the Lagrange points?

I think it would needlessly escalate things. This (in and of itself) is a local issue. What I mean is local authorities are involved. Nevada's governor wasn't about to deploy the National Guard to support the Feds. MO's governor would be more likely to deploy the guard to restore peace and order to a town by such a

Because either their racist or they don't care for some other reason or they figure one brush with the law is enough for them. I actually would have been fine with the Feds enforcing that order with lethal force. Why wasn't the FBI sent to back up the (is it the) BLM? Would it have looked that bad to put those people

Depending on what their side arms are it could take quite a bit to put someone down. Even more so if someone is in an alter state of mind (say a psychotic break or high on Kact).

You would be surprised how many shots it can take to disable or kill someone.

If it makes you feel any better the KKK (well some of the groups that call themselves that) have been speaking against murdering people of color.

I'm (mostly) white. And I would say we don't know a whole lot about the shooting (or most other ones). And the media should probably put condemnation on the back burner until the investigation is done. That said it does seem likely (from what I've read) that Mike Brown was shot while his back was to the officer.

Assuming either were true a fractured eye socket could cause swelling and not be noticeable at first.

Well. The Land Management people really didn't have the ability to win a shootout with that many armed militants without massive loss of life. Ferguson PD wouldn't have had a problem subduing peaceful protesters or rioters. They seem a little mixed up on what is a riot and what is a more or less peaceful protest

Well. Taking that out of the context of the Brown shooting. There are any number of reasons to fear an unarmed person. Even to be legitimately afraid for your life. You can be killed by an unarmed person, seriously injured, ect. Now back into context that stops being legitimate when the unarmed person is fleeing from

Easy. The protesters (or armed militants) would have killed the FEDs. Most of the protesters are peaceful and won't. Also the police got more support (reinforcements and such) than the FEDs at the Bundy ranch.

How is it a form of sexual violence and not public indecency (though I suppose those aren't mutually exclusive)? Was anyone touched or threatened did the pervert ejaculate on anyone? And I would assume it often escalates to worse things. But are justice system isn't really set up to prevent escalation as much as

Nope. Mostly Suburbs for me. Jacksonville, NC was the only place I lived around that was really big enough that most would consider it a city and I tended to stay on base.