
Yes and no. Trespassing is he said she said as well. So are quite a few crimes. Others such as murder or assault usually have material witnesses to them that at least prove something happened. Indecent Exposure sometimes not so much (though obviously some times there would be since lots of places have cameras).

I didn't mean it was a good idea to have zero tolerance policies. I meant that the article says that they are only axing the non-violent ones. So the one kid is defends herself/ himself and gets suspended as well is still in force.

According to this it only deals with non-violent offences. Such as possession of a controlled substance.

Fair points. I honestly can't say whether I would find it traumatizing or not. I haven't ever seen it. And it just seems weird/ humorously stupid to me. Though I can definitely see why someone who is traumatized by it would not want to immortalize the act that traumatized them.

Not required. No. But sounds like one eye witness and no other evidence would be shaky (though in a DC Panera you would think they would have surveillance which should have provided some evidence which could be corroborated with purchases). Don't get me wrong the cops are definitely being lazy. I just doubt much will

Wow. Where do you live. I'm going to want to avoid there (seriously never seen it myself). Worst I've seen is someone pantomiming it.

I believe they have. But if a cop doesn't see someone committing an act of indecent exposure I would imagine actually convicting or holding someone for it is pretty hard.

Not surprising. indecent Exposure may require more proof than just one person. Also tends to be low on the priority list for cops to do shit about (funny how racial profiling seems to be high on that list).

Well. It would be proof in court that he had (being otherwise it's a he said she said and a criminal case would require proof beyond (unless I'm mistaken)). And since she had to tell the manager apparently the Panera employees are oblivious.

Same. Heck I have trouble doing it (pleasuring myself) if my fiance is in the room.

Public masturbation is prevalent?

Johnson was from Texas? Didn't even realize that.

No. Just the position. I didn't say that her ass wasn't disproportional to the rest of her.

Oh I agree her ass is over sized at least in proportion to the rest of her. But not that that position isn't ever shown with SM. He's generally depicted as being almost flat to the wall (which looks kinda painful to be honest) while climbing alongside it. She on the other hand looks like she just came over the edge.

Well from the looks of it SM is on a wall as opposed to just mounting it. Though SW's ass does seem a bit inflated. Not a huge fan of the coloring style either to be honest.

Spider-Woman crouching as if she had just come over a wall? Seems pretty straight forward to me. I've seen similar positions for Spider-Man.

That's pretty typical for Jessica Drew's face from the comic appearances I've seen of her. Though admittedly I haven't ever read an issue of one of her comics (not a huge fan of the 1st Spider Woman, liked 2 much more).

Wow. And here I thought comments I catch from FN while walking past my living room or changing the channel would be the stupidest thing I would hear all day. Congrats NIU.

The roaches left along time ago. Even they (the roachs) found them (that family) to be a little on the disgusting side. :P

"will allow men who are child predators to claim to be women and be protected in criminal actions." And here I thought the show was on TLC and not Fox News. Heck in all honesty I doubt many of the FN folks would say that off the air (I'm convinced that many pundits purposely stir shit in the same way Jerry Springer