
Because they didn't assume that many people would show up armed. And once they had a couple hundred armed folks their they weren't going to suppress them without some majorly bad PR and casualties. Most of the rioters aren't armed (from my understanding) so tear gas and rubber bullets are more than enough.

Really? Look into the history of US riots. Many of them were started by mostly white groups and many of them got this type of response. The Whiskey Rebellion for instance.

Ferguson's dealing with riots. A gas station was torched and multiple other acts of looting and vandalism. If they can't get this under control we are going to be looking at another city having martial law declared. Understandably. It's not like just turning a blind eye to rioters is a good idea. It's just to bad for

I only have a problem with one of those things.

"Thankfully, the NLRB's recent decision might lead to those days finally being over. I look forward to the new ways companies will try to screw over their workers, and the spurious arguments random commenters will make trying to defend them." Assuming that it actually sticks.

Someone get Jaden off of Twitter.

I don't know. Rape has always been very common. More so during earlier periods. Point taken on the misogynist vs sexist though.

Same here. I mean I like Sheppard Smith (and Colbert's description of him). But attacking his statement seems legit here. The Tweet, not so much.

Fair view point.

How is he racist? Or sexist for that matter? I mean his world is to a point, but that's hardly surprising since it's a fictional middle age setting and having everyone being accepting would ring a bit false. Kind of like writing a setting based off the antebellum south where everyone is an abolitionist. I mean it

Why not? I mean that seems to be a bit of a false equivalency. Cancer kills you. Depression can drive you to kill yourself. One can kill you regardless of anything you do and the other requires you to actually do something to end your suffering.

What's wrong with the Fox News Tweet? It seems to just state the facts.

Do the authors actually share their email addresses?


I dropped in to say just that. Wish I could star this comment more.

What I mean is that changing perceptions will help. Not that it's right for stores to mistreat their customers based on race.

"a show that's mostly female panelists but somehow manages to sneak in dudes to keep up the level of sexist commentary Fox News is known for"

It does. But along the lines of what Fnsfsnr was saying, people who are viewed as potential customers are treated better. It changes opinions. Also the systemic problems such as poverty and inadequate education are contributing factors to that. Lets face it, don't be racist towards customers it the law and that

It was the 70s and he's rich and famous. He probably would have been out in less than a decade.

To true.