
That's good to hear. Well at least as far as the gay and trans thing. I have reservations about a job firing someone for act committed off the clock. But at the same time, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

Is this from a game?

He was probably more worried about his own skin, assuming he was conscious and could have. A lot of victims are more concerned with themselves than other potential victims.

I was just adding on to what Christopher said to give context about the people in this guys life.

Well, I didn't know about his fighting record. But it's nice to see someone who is pro rape on Jezebel. It's like seeing a unicorn.

No IOS or android today? :(

Did you miss the part that he was also hospitalized? Maybe he couldn't. Kind of hard to call police with a broken jaw. Kind of hard to do much with a concussion.

More than likely he will be the one raping others. He's a professional fighter. You really think "Bubba" wants the trouble with him? Also advocating rape? Nice one there.

Also the MMA team he was on publicly announced that they "released" him from his contract for the domestic violence. So they fired him over it. Doesn't seem like they agree wit hbeating your girl friend/kids/ boy friend/ ect.

Your the only one I see using race to insult or dismiss someone.

Not really realistic. This person may not be privileged enough to read and critique every article.

Change is possible. And I'm sorry to hear that happened to your mother. But realistically that would require a higher college graduation rate for blacks. Which considering the demographic stats on poverty and poor schools that doesn't look like it will change. I mean in all seriousness if I have children I wouldn't

Oh. Thanks for the corrections and the input of your views. So they just tried to keep the looting in one area? With that many officers and equipment you would think they could have at least attempted to contain and break up the riot or at least arrested the looters and kept that gas station from being torched.

Yeah. Not really. At least according to Tolkien. He claims not to have based the book on any modern conflicts but said if he would have it would have been WWI since he fought in it.

I think it's (mostly) a cloud of volcanic gas. Not exactly good for the lungs (the orcs must have good medical since they aren't being killed by asthma).

Yes. I understand that. They called in riot police (and officers from surrounding precincts) according to Isha's article. So it would make sense for those officers to be dressed for a riot. I assume that they believed the protest would devolve into a riot. Which does occasionally happen when you get large groups of

Uh not a cop buddy. And unfortunately not drunk.

Those are two different statements, their genius. I fail to see how that disproves Chens statement. And why do you assume I'm supporting the cop (or am white for that matter) who shot this young man?

Well there was a riot and it generally take force to stop one. Hopefully non-lethal force.

The term is generally used to refer to poor white people with "unsavory" character.