
Wish I could star this more.

Looting and rioting stand out. Think about occupy Oakland, what parts stand out the most for someone who wasn't there. Probably what was arguably a police riot.

Well looting and rioting is much more memorable than a peaceful protest.

Did you miss the OP attacking white people? White would be a race there buddy.

Very well put. Wish I could star you more.

Actually CNN had a very nice picture of him. Hell Fox News just ran an editorial thing and used a nicer picture than either of these (nice presentation than the one on the left better resolution than the one on the right).

You can, at least in PA attend school until your 21. I'm not sure sex offender laws take into account people still in high school.

People take Gawker seriously?

You notice the update in the article. Very bottom. Wasn't their when I posted.

I meant I didn't know that the rules allowed for coed play.

I had no idea girls could compete in little league. I might have to go watch the series.


Actually I did know that it predated the constitution. It was one of the major reasons the US went from a Confedarate government to a federal one. So one state wouldn't have to marshal forces to put down rebellions by itself. I keep bringing it up because while I would say you can't blame our current system for it, it

-According to some folks the National Defense spending act of 2012 again gives powers to. Honestly haven't looked into it. Whats your take on that?

">>>>"I didn't say that the National Gaurd was under the Prez in LA. Now did I."

I'm not embarrassed in the least. You do realize that that bullet is followed by another one, right? Giving an example of deployment of US Federal forces on US soil. Clearly separate from the previous bullet about the National Guard.

That's while they are not under the Presidents authority. The POTUS can mobilize them.

Here. Since you couldn't read all of the wiki article you sent me I'll post the part that disproves your conclusion about federal troops being used to quell a riot, snow flake:

So have you left your world then. Because brother are you wrong about a number of assertions. As I've shown. In the future when trying to back up your statement I would recommend reading the whole page you link too.

I did read your comments. I also read your link. Which gives an example of the federal military being used to quell the LA riots.