
Hey Genius. The National Guard is considered to be part of the US military. Look it up sometime. Read this section of your link…. They can indeed be mobilized and at such a time serve as part of the standing army.

Nope. But I have read yours.

Hey. All I've seen on it is in Isha's article which quotes a journalist as saying that some were shouting that.. No need to play the race card buddy. I really couldn't give a rats ass what color their skin is. It's not like I know them or the area. So I wouldn't feel a connection to them even if they had my exact

I meant about moving the body of a person in general. Ideally I would prefer if the officer that shot a "victim" to wait their happy ass their until IA or something showed up. But then again I think that any time an officer discharges his weapon in the field it should be investigated by a third party. Though I missed

Well some of those would be police riots (where the police are you know the ones rioting). Some workers did attempt to attack factories and such. You had uprisings at a few coal mines over the harsh and unfair treatment. And their were of course times (many) with strike breakers who were not police. Though I don't

I didn't say they weren't. I said (or rather implied) that Isha's comment neglected the possible reasoning for doing so. Which was to attempt to diffuse a possible riot and barring that to be ready for it. I probably wasn't clear in my first post. I meant no that isn't the way to deal with a grieving community, as in

Oh I would assume planting fire arms is relatively common (or at least more common than we expect). I know of US forces doing it occasionally in Iraq (because it later went to trial and the court found them guilty of it). But attempting to legitimize unlawful force (whether said force was accidental (i.e. the cop

I wouldn't say that that's racist any more than people insulting Americans is racist. It's classist and potentially xenophobic (people are ready to believe impoverished and religious areas have what we would see as "backwards" policies) but none of it attack Brazilians as a race. It attacked Brazilian culture (and I

LA Riots had marshal law I believe. The Whiskey Rebellion too. Also during school integration the military was deployed for various purposes (i.e. The National Guard to stop it, the US army to enforce it) though those didn't reach being riots.

Hey. Stupid people say stupid things. Bundy seems to think slavery was a kind and caring system. Doesn't mean most people believe it. Thanks for sharing the link, I hadn't seen that little tidbit of insanity.

Hence why I added the part saying assuming people were yelling "Kill the Police". If people are just standing around with signs and bull horns then I would say it hardly deserves calling in or at least posting that many police.

Why does the fact that they are black make a difference as to what the correct response is?

A) You can load them with rubber bullets. The M203 attachments have beanbag, smoke, and tear gas ammo.

Wonder if they get money from Nerf? :P

Have you seen what they think about movies and games being to blame for gun violence? Maybe I'm just hopeful I won't have to hear them say something else stupid about pop culture.

What is the protocol with a body when police were the ones to kill the person? I would assume you would want a third party to pick it up so it would be harder to manipulate evidence to benefit the police (I would want it that way at least).

It really isn't under the NRA's preview. Since the air gun probably doesn't meet the standards of being a weapon (I'm assuming it wasn't one of those ones designed for hunting but rather a pellet gun). So they really have no more business with this than the kid who was shot by the police for picking up a wii mote (who

"Because the way to deal with a community that is in immense pain and demanding justice is to try to intimidate them, ". No but when people in a large crowd start trying to inciting violence, it's best to be prepared for a riot. That's assuming some people were shouting "kill the police".

Just more proof that anyone with money is leaving Detroit.

I fail to see how it's racist. But I agree that it's click bait. Not very truthful in presentation either it would seem.