
Fair enough. I don't know a whole lot about this case. Just that an injured drunk black girl was shot by an old white man while she was knocking on his door, presumably for help.

Could have known that from her voice or from seeing her afterwards (for instance). I'm confused on some of the events though. Some are saying that he shot through his door and some that he opened and shot.

A lot of states let you try people for related offences (their may be sentencing guidelines). The ones that don't have people walk because they got overcharged i.e. the guy at the gas station that shot that black kid and almost killed his friends. They couldn't prove premeditation and Florida seems to require 1 charge

Punisher maybe. He has a history of extreme violence towards people and occasionally causes collateral damage or accidentally harms innocent people.

Because stalking in the legal sense is different (much higher standard of proof and someone often needs to have entered a complaint beforehand). If he had met the legal definition of stalking I seriously doubt that they would have found him not guilty.

Did they ever prove that he was a racist. And not just a lunatic (not that they are mutually exclusive mind you).

Did he even look before he shot her? I got the assumption that he just heard someone banging on the door and shot as soon as he opened it.

The jury said nothing about this case being about racism. If the DOJ thought that it was an example of a hate crime they would have charged him with one.

They look at by returns. Which look bad comparatively. A large part of that is that female starring games tend to get less marketing though. Though some games that seem like they should do well have flopped pretty badly (Mirrors Edge and Remember Me). Though both of those tried innovative game play and that doesn't

Beautifully written article.

Those hangup (to my understanding (I'm not a psychologist)) are what the studies suggest. Glad to hear your kids are doing fine. And I'm not trying to judge anyone's parenting (other than the ones who abuse their kids or let them run wild).

The bigest cost would probably be for voice actors (additional dialog possibly and then a separate actor for a female protagonist). It works. But it's much easier to do well with a role-playing game than say a largely cinematic game like COD.

To me (and what I have observed in pop culture) they are associated with skin head culture. Not gang culture in general. Though you might have a larger experience to run with on that than I do (I've know a few people in the KKK though they aren't really a gang as much as a set of loosely grouped hate groups).

I'm bad with faces. Is that an actual pick of Nicki in that art?

I'm all for punishing the brat. But numerous studies show that in general corporal punishment does more harm than good (in the long run).

Only Halo Reach enables female players and narrative was designed to allow the player to create their own. I didn't play crackdown 2 so I wouldn't know. But the story for the AC games tend to focus on a single defined character. Ergo it's harder (withing the campaign) to allow for a choice in gender.

Well obviously their is a field specific way to use the term and a general linguistic way to use it. The same as if I referred to organic as in an organic compound vs organic produce. Most people aren't sociologists so they are going to use field specific definitions for it. It doesn't make someone inherently wrong

Maybe because swastika's are synonymous to hate groups and while their is bleed over with solely white gangs one does not have to be racist to be involved in a gang and white.

How is thug a racist term?

Only if people don't buy the games as a result. And Unity isn't a good example because of how it's multi-player works. I mean their idiots for trying to claim difficulty and all. But game wise it wouldn't be really noticeable regardless (everyone sees their character as what ever the main characters name is). And