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I played wayward for hours (I'm a sucker for rogue likes). And Oceanhorn was fun. But I don't use the Iphone I have as a phone (it was a hand me down when my bro got a new one) so if it dies I'm just out music. I do much prefer my 3ds to the touch seen on android and IOS though.

Fair points.

Well yes and no. They have no reason to get pissy about it. But if a game is made and you must play a female character that's one more game where you can't play a male (<sarcasm> because those are so common </sarcasm>). It isn't technically zero sum but a less default white male assumption means fewer white male

4 white leads? Altair is Middle Eastern and Connor is half American Indian. And we don't know much about Ezio's recent family (to my knowledge but I'm not a huge AC fan) other than they speak and live in Italy.

I would actually say it went the opposite way. They really put to much effort into the jiggle.

We don't know that the Ubisoft thing will cause a problem. Is it an embarrassment? Yes. Will most people complaining still buy the game? If the various boycotts of other franchises (looking at you COD) are any indication then they won't be hurt at all by it.

But until the most recent iteration Lara Croft was the UR example of a hyper sexualized protagonist. Also their is a reason that they did a reboot. Most of the more recent TR games haven't been received well.

Haven't you heard? Looks like Sheppard might be back in a 4th game.

Wasn't this posted like 2 months ago on here?

I see what you did there

Isn't the point of chat roulette to find people jerking it or naked?

Don't forget showing up drunk for visits.

I would add, that from his point he probably doesn't consider those forms of birth-control to be birth-control.

My biggest problem with this is that they receive federal funds. I get that religious groups have some pretty (I would say) extreme views on a number of things. But I'm really more pissed that my tax dollars will be used to support them in these views.

Except for Kim Possible those all aired on other channels first.

I'm really not seeing a Black Widow movie (as in I don't think it's going to happen). Johansson has said she has asked about it but they haven't even tried to negotiate a solo film for her.

She might be multiracial and/or Hispanic? I don't know that they were being racist (the story seems to say no). But We really don't know from the video what her ethnic background/ racial make up is.

FYI. An assault rifle (in military terminology) is any weapon that has a burst or fully automatic fire selector but is still a rifle i.e. M-16, Ak 47. Sub-machine guns tend to fire shorter "pistol ammunition) but be bigger than a Machine Pistol at fully automatic settings i.e. The Mp 5. The M-60 is a medium Machine