
What makes you say that they were liberated?

He/She is saying that they understand what genital mutilation generally entail (unassumingly the removing of parts of the labia or clitoris). They go on to claim that it is apt to say that removing the foreskin (which serves to protect the penis from irritation and chafing) would be comparable to removing the hood of

So I looked at her Facebook quick to see if their was any way that she seemed to dress in a non-professional way. And I gotta say, I'm not seeing it. I was thinking to get a note like that she had to at least be doing "Naked News" level nudity.

Fair point. She just seemed more excited to see Katara in the scenes with her. Though in all fairness she is a legend.

Thanks for explaining that to me. When you said security I assumed you meant in the military sense, not the security of resources and such sense.

For security what kinds of things (honestly asking)?

I think Katara taught her. At least you see she still lives around that area in the first or second season.


I don't know. They are at least holding the guy responsible. That's more than I usually expect from Florida.

Have their leaders been asking (in general I know a few have) because we can't legally send a unit over without approval (and while that doesn't stop us in many cases those are cases that benefit US "interests" and many of these countries have nothing that we want) from the government (in general).

I agree that we can do better and should. But to a point I think we need to let the African Co take point on it and give assistance to them when asked. It's not like we don't have a large debt (monetarily) to the UN that aiding these people wouldn't help with (like all those times we send carrier groups to help

Thanks for sharing and giving your take on these issues Isha. You seem to do a much better job than some other news agencies. At least as of late (seriously I don't even see a mention of this on CNN).

I would say that there are some problems with that. The US and Europe don't have the best track records with actually helping with that. At best it's just that operations are shotty and at worst counter productive. I wonder where the African Coalition (I thinks is the groups name) is doing to help with this. They have

So if you get cancer I suppose you won't want radiation treatment. Good to know. If you stick to that I'll even by you a burial plot.

So if your so superior to every one here, why are you wasting your time chatting? Why don't you do everyone a favor and go swallow a bottle of sleeping pills and down a fifth of vodka?

It's adorable how you couldn't bother to answer the challenges of your viewpoint. Even the ones who started out relatively cordial. Let me guess. You have a neck beards and a penchant for wearing fedoras.

Ada Lovelace is credited with writing the first computer program. While the inventor of the first recognised computer (Charles Babbage) refused to believe her claims about the possibilities of programming (in all fairness some of the basis came from a French philosopher or mathematician).

Heads up. She's either a troll or has serious problems. She responds to anyone who disagrees with her opinions in a very nasty way even if they are super nice to her.

Then I suppose it wouldn't make much money (being that Hollywood keeps turning out the same movies over and over because they tend to do somewhat well).

Do you mean "who won" instead of "who one"?