
I wish they would have given her a shield as well. A couple more inches to that skirt would have been nice. And while it looked shitty the flag motif did have a point. Though since Snyder is on this I'm just happy her tits and ass are hanging out.

How is the whole National Guard thing racist? Stupid yes, but I don't see any disparaging remarks from Perry that seem to indicate any particular hatred of folks based on race in the linked article.

They probably feel that they'll get better return for this than what they would loose for Unity not having those models (which most of us wouldn't notice anyways since to the player the character looks like the main guy but to others they look like a different one) vs delaying the game and telling the team to go ahead

You always seem to do a good job. And a few of the other Jez Writers seem to try real hard. I just wish Kinja could settle on a style and work on improvements from there. I mean your option now is to either wade through comments an try to discuss things with folks, dismiss their comments (which only makes some folks

I don't know. I would at least disagree with his take on Israel's attempt to speak with Hamas. Egypt was the intermediary, if they said they spoke with them and didn't (maybe they didn't I don't know one way or the other) that's Egypt's failure not Israel's.

Did you see the article about socks on dicks for cancer. I seem to remember it took the same tone. The whole "It's great that you want to help by why this way and how does it help" view.

I would assume quite a few Israeli's believe that it's necessary for the safety of their country(otherwise they would loose popular support for it). Though I haven't been following this particular conflict as closely as I would like to.

You can examine what motivates someone while supporting what they do. For instance I may appreciate the police when they stop a riot. But I can still question what reasons someone would want to be a police officer.

See to me keeping trans folks out because they weren't born a woman (biologically I mean not gender wise) seem exclusionary. Though to me doing pretty much anything based on race, gender, or sex (as a guiding principle) seems wrong and counterproductive to the whole equal treatment for everyone idea.

I think what elle means is that she might get type cast. Though I'm sure this must personally be good for her (I can't imagine holding that in).

I hope it goes well for her. I just think from a professional standpoint this might hurt her (I mean her career). As by limiting herself she may get less work. But I hope personally this is a good thing for her (I assume it is).

While I agree those comments are trans phobic they are less so in my opinion than their most recent one (people love to hate on prisoners (though normally I need to go to CNN to see those comments). Also I didn't realize TERF was a thing (as an acronym, some one was bashing on wanting equality at a women's music

There seems to be a lot of tolerance for it on this site (Jez in general not ROYGBIV) when men or transfolks are mentioned (though a small number of decent and vocal folks like you do speak out about it).

It just sounds like a rather tangential story to me.

You might give him an aneurysm.

Yep. Most likely. At least from people looking to be pissed over stupid things.

Your friend does realize that violate KS's tos, right?

75 Mill seems quite high for a single litigant. Wonder how much the judge will award if she wins.

Then adults can lock them up. A lot of kids drink anti-freeze because it looks like Kool-aid, we don't hold manufacturers responsible for injury that occurs outside of intended use. Eating a toy is hardly the intended way to use it.

Wasn't an actual porn company making essentially a porn movie version?